Ppl I want to die: Blonde Dragon Lady’s Creep Brother, all the Lannisters save Peter Dinklege, Joffrey
I’m Suspicious of: BDL’s Blonde Beard Friend, Stark Wife, Oldest(?) Stark Boy
Who I fear is #GOT’s “Caorrrl!”: Not Dead Brann
@with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
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@with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
@with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
@VforVintageVera @with_luvey @CrissAn
-I’m developing a crush on Robb, who knew.
-Joffery is the worst but at least his awfulness forced Sansa to grow up.
-Jon is a different kind of awful, why u so emo, bruh.
-Protect Arya at all costs.
-Dragons! #GoT
@VforVintageVera @with_luvey @CrissAn
@with_luvey @VforVintageVera @crissan
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@with_luvey @CrissAn @VforVintageVera
@with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
-Best: Arya, Tyrian, Brienne, Sam, Igrit, Bronn
-WORST: Joff (obvi), Lil Finger, Stanis
-🤬: Sansa, Cersei, Shay
-Get It Together Dumbass: Jon, Theyon, Robb #GoT
@with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
@with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
@VforVintageVera @with_luvey @CrissAn
@with_luvey @CrissAn @VforVintageVera
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@with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
@with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
@with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
#1: I’m sad about...you know who...dying. He was the hottest one!
#2: Jon’s not dead!
#1: No, I know! The other one! Now Jon’s the hottest. You know I have unconventional taste in British men.
Um.... #GoT
@with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
@with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
@with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
@with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
@with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
-Goodbye, Robb. I wish you hadn’t been so foolish.
-Dany, I want to like you. I wish you weren’t so foolishly strident.
-When. Does. Joff. Die.
-Protect Arya/Brienne/Hodor/Sam at all costs.
@with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
-I miss Bronn.
-Davos the type of honorable Hand Jorah tries to be...but comes across less letchery/creepy.
-Tyrion remains the best character. 🤷🏻♀️ #GoT
@with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
@with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
@VforVintageVera @CrissAn @with_luvey
@VforVintageVera @with_luvey @CrissAn
#GoT @with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
-Arya is my 👑
-Protect Brienne/Podrick/Hodor/Margery
-RIP Hound
-Now that Joff & Tywin’s dead, can we kill Lil Finger so Sansa can truly level up? #GoT @with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
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Seconds later....
::cue nosebleed::
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RIP: Shareen...and that’s about it. 🧐
🤬: Cercei, Ramsey, Melisandre, Lil Finger
Protect at all Cost: Brienne (what happened!!!), Sansa, Tyrion, Sam/Gilly
Arya can effin take care of herself.
#GoT @with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
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Me: Bro, Sansa is literally right there. Queen of the North. Recognize. Bitch.
#GoT @with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
RiP: Asha, Margery, Rickon, Tommen, poor sweet Hodor who didn’t deserve to be saddled with Bran
👋🏻 Bitch: Ramsey, Frey, Paisel
#GoT @with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
Protect At All Cost: Brienne, Sansa, Arya, Lil Lyanna, Grandma Tyrell, Tormund
#GoT @with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
If it’s now #TeamDany v #TeamCercei, I’m stuck btwn a rock & a hard place but I’ll choose the former bc she’s got Tyrion and since she has Varys, she has Grandma Tyrell.
#GoT @with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
Sansa/Me/Everyone: I don't know what that means.
Bran: It's hard to explain.
Sansa: Try.
Bran: Nah, I'd rather be weird & mysterious just to PISS EVERYONE OFF.
#GoT @with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
Cercei -- we both know *you* aren't the one fighting. Like Dany, everyone/thing fights FOR you. Ugh... #GoT @with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
Me: Yeah, like that's believable.
*Rider out of nowhere*
Me: Tell me that's Benjin.
*It's Benjin to save the day*
#GoT @with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
Me/Everyone: Um, timing is not your strong suit, is it, kid?
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"No elephants, your Grace."
"That's disappointing."
Disappointing indeed. Couldn't fit it in the budget, eh? ;)
#GoT @with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
Bran: I see you, bitch.
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Brienne: No.
Tormund: Why not?
Brienne: Tradition.
Torumund: Fuck tradition.
I take it back -- That's my fave quote. Tormund, the original feminist. #GoT @with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
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This episode feels like a year.
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#GoT @with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
Tell me protecting Bran is worth it.
#GoT @with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
You're welcome, Bran. Or did you "see" that coming too? (eyeroll)
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If that was the finale, it'd feel epic.
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Show, if you kill Sam or Gilly this close to the end with a baby in her....they are the Gleggie of this Universe and I accept no substitutes and I DESERVE THIS.
#GoT @with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
Jon's not gonna say goodbye to his pet wolf monster thing?
Dragons have changed you.
#GoT @with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
*a few minutes later*
#GoT @with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
I mean, I hate it, but Brienne deserves the best and you were never gonna be it anyway. But did you have to break her heart? Oath breaker indeed.
#GoT @with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
Justice for Messandei. Burn Cercei to the ground. I don't care.
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And Jon's the hero? Like...Bro.
#GoT @with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
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What the hell is going on.
#GoT @with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
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#GoT @with_luvey @VforVintageVera @CrissAn
Was the ending *that* bad? No. Did it feel super fan-fiction-y and convenient? Yes.
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