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George R.R. Martin Gives The Winds of Winter Progress Update
Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin has given another update on his highly anticipated A Song of Ice and Fire Book, The Winds of Winter, an update that fans might be happy to hear.

RELATED: George R.R. Martin Was ‘Out of the Loop’ on Game of Thrones’ Final Seasons
During a recent appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Martin was asked about his progress on the planned sixth novel in the A Song of Ice and Fire series.
Read 11 tweets
If you've ever wondered what the Queen liked to curl up in front of, keep reading to check out her favourite series on telly! 📺

#TheQueen #QueenElizabethII

According to reports, the Queen was something of a TV aficionado and loved to sit in front of a decent series after a long day!

#TheQueen #QueenElizabethII…
Former BBC Radio 2 editor Phil Jones revealed that #TheQueen told him her favourite TV show.
Phil said: "I alighted on ‘What’s your favourite programme?’ Straight away she said: ‘The Kumars at No.42,’ and recited one-liners."

The show ran from 2001 to 2006.

Read 12 tweets
Are you ready for some pretty disturbing #GoT content?

Apparently most fans didn't read the books... so they're only now finding out that the hotties they were lusting after were literally meant to be 14 years old.

Yes, you read that right.

Before the epic fantasy drama hit TV, the show’s creators made the decision to make specific characters older than their book counterparts.

Daenerys begins the first book aged just 13, while her husband Khal Drogo (played by Jason Momoa) is almost 30. Image
Jon and Robb, meanwhile, are only 14.

The realisation has (unsurprisingly) disturbed some fans of the show.

🗣‘Reading the book and knowing the ages really creeps me out,’ one commented on social media.
Read 9 tweets
んで黒人俳優のSilvan elf(と髭無し女性ドワーフ)盛り上がりを眺めてるのですが、#theringsofpower #JRRT精読


#theringsofpower #JRRT精読
ただ日本語圏ではHistory of Middle-earth全12巻も最新のNatureOfMiddle-earthも邦訳がないので
01)エルフの容貌については、#JRRT の最初期から最晩年までにいろいろ設定や範囲に変更があり、どの時点のものを「原典」とするかで違ってくる
01b)エルフの肌についてのfair of skinという表現は「白い」「美しい」いずれを(も)意味するのかEldar以外も含むのか…はけっこう微妙
#theringsofpower #JRRT精読
Read 125 tweets
DRACARYS 🔥Cuando nace un Targaryen los dioses lanzan una moneda. Dementes y con dragones que escupen fuego #LaCasadelDragon Son 10 episodios (uno por semana). Se estrena este domingo a las 21:00 (HBO y HBO Max). Mis impresiones y guía tras ver algunos capítulos (hilo)👇
Hasta ahora solo conocíamos a los Targaryen vistos a través de los ojos de Daenerys, lo realmente excitante de #LaCasadelDragon es que podemos escudriñar en la dinastía y sus dinámicas de poder y locura cuando estaban en su apogeo.
Es difícil recuperarse de la última temporada de #GOT #HouseoftheDragon llega con déficit de simpatía injusto, pero entendible. Toma lugar cerca de 200 años antes del nacimiento de Daenerys. La casa Targaryen lleva en el poder siglos y lo mantiene
gracias a los dragones🐲
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🧵Is Mike Pence really Theon Greyjoy in disguise?

Watching the #January6thCommitteeHearings focused on the pressure campaign against former VP @Mike_Pence and it occurred to me that he is effectively a real, live version of our maligned #GOT character.

/2 Both Pence and Theon start off as smug, punchable asshats, but nothing much more dangerous.

#ReekPence #January6thCommitteeHearings
/3 But at some point they saw themselves deserving of the big chair (king/president) and were willing to lick their Daddies' boots.

#ReekPence #January6thCommitteeHearings
Read 13 tweets
Been rewatching Korra (or, trying to) while working on my own writing and have been reminded of my 10 Things I'd Fix exercise. Figure now's a good a time as any to share it.
*Obligatory: The Network did not support the show and many problems are linked to this. 1/
10. Focus on the Sports or Cut the Sports. Pick One.
TLoK was Fantastic Beasts before Fantastic Beasts. Both struggle with tone and a kind of self-consciousness at its own tone. Korra aimed to be a darker, more violent series, but also wanted to keep light and fun. Probending 2/
was something the team was passionate, as it showcased interesting bending without relying on battles for the fate of the world. As the show progressed, Probending faded into the background, but I always found it a good character device for Korra, as she's a competitive sort 3/
Read 52 tweets

Este error en Games of Thrones fue mundialmente conocido en el tramo final de la serie más vista en la historia de HBO, pero además de eso dejó una gran lección comunicacional:
Resulta que lo paradójico del hecho fue que, aunque el vaso pertenecía a una cafetería familiar de la localidad de Bainbridge, la audiencia global y multitudinaria lo interpretó y lo comentó en medios tradicionales y sociales 'como el vaso de Starbucks' en la serie #GOT.
Sin duda, este pudo haber sido el despegue más exponencial de una cafetería familiar, pero que el vaso fuese conocido como 'el vaso de Starbucks' anuló todo vínculo entre el error y la pequeña empresa. Más aún cuando la cadena de Estados Unidos aprovechó el "favor" en sus redes.
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#GOT, Ep 3.
Mary amiboti. Une fille. Remix. Ba doutes de 2 hommes, Honorable na Jhony, ebakisami. Honorable et Jhony bafuti ba frais hospitaliers. Maman na Mary azui vrai chida. Double imputation. Maman nde ayebaka Papa. Mais entre amour na interet, opesa nani paternite
2. Jhony abela. Hemoroide. Mais ba examens na hopital nionso eza négatifs. Mais bokiliki nionso esili. « Ya Jhony, ba koko ba facilita masolo. Formule ya bosimi na mogomboro ezali ». Pas de retour à Matadi. Suspension pour raison d'enquete. Suspicion de fausse factures. Stress!
3. Chômage eza université. Bayebaka valeur ya 1000 Fc. 100 méga. Zala na muasi ya mabe. Okokoma expert ya Parisfoot. « Pa Jhony, baza koyembela ngai nzembo ya Mbilia Belle na lopangu. Boya eeeee, boyaeeee. Mais ngai, réponse, Se ye! Se ye! Se ye! ».
Read 11 tweets
10 anos de #GOT vs #BBB21

A thread que você não sabia que precisava ler hoje: ImageImage
Vale lembrar que aqui estamos falando de uma série da vida real que já nos presenteou com 21 temporadas e só melhora.

Enquanto a outra, foram apenas 8, fechadas com um final melancólico (para falar o mínimo). ImageImage
Carol Conká - Joffrey Barathawnnnn

Todo mundo queria que saísse. Saiu bem. #vitória

Mas depois de uns episódios, todo mundo queria que voltasse. ImageImage
Read 22 tweets
Começando a listagem de tweets recuperados para a arroba rubenspereirajr. Sumiram desde a nossa última checagem 2 tweets.
O tweet com id 1123911733947576320 de 2019-05-02 11:26:53 que falava sobre:
RT @ffdamasio_: Batalha dos dragões do último episódio de #GOT pra você que não conseguiu enxergar direito.

Do CARALHO https:/ /…...
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Aujourd’hui, j’ai un peu de #temps (je blague), et je tente un #thread #scpo sur la #démocratie, parce que c’est un tout petit peu d‘actualité. Et oui, je vais mettre des #mèmes Internet parce que, en vrai autocrate, je trouve cela très très drôle. Prêts ?
2) D’abord, la #démocratie, ce n’est pas la #République (la chose publique). La République, c’est moi...euh, c’est quand le #pouvoir est exercé par tout ou partie du peuple (exit la monarchie) et que les élus représentent plus que le peuple (la #Nation dixit #Sieyes).
3) Les #députés représentent l’intérêt #général plus que le peuple. Utile pour voter une loi impopulaire, comme l’interdiction de la peine de mort (#Badinter), ou la taxe carbone sur l’essence. Encore faut-il bien prouver l’intérêt général (n’est ce pas les gilets jaunes ?).
Read 34 tweets



Red [fires]
Red [waves]
Red [Chi-na]
Red [dragon]
Red [planet]
Red [Rome]
Red [devil]

RIG FOR RED ImageImage
3.2 - LINKS TO PARTS 1 & 2


PART 1 - Intro & The # of Current Events

PART 2 - Signs of Sodom & of the Revelation

And get yourself a copy of a King James #Bible

And #PRAY to #God

🙏 Image

Say a #Prayer for @POTUS and our great country


Read 45 tweets
Ein russischer Geschäftsmann bekommt eine Million Euro, um 2750 Tonnen Sprengstoff „nach Mosambik“ zu befördern.
Das Schiff lässt er nach Beirut fahren, um Ladung aufzunehmen, die zu einer Entladung des Sprengstoffs führt.
Keiner will ihn haben - außer Hisbollah.
Ammonium nitrate, which is a dual-use fertilizer, is #banned in Lebanon. “I have #no #idea how Grechushkin #got #permission for us to dock in Beirut,” Prokoshev said in the interview with the Russian publication MediaZona…
Read 3 tweets
Hoy hace 9 años que se inauguraba oficialmente el #FestivalScout de @scout_es
en Lorca.
Para nosotros un punto de inflexión.
Los scouts celebran su festival nacional de la canción en el castillo | La Verdad…
El 108 apostó por organizar exclusivamente con sus recursos humanos en ese momento,más decenas de antiguos scouter, el #Festivalscout.
La lluvia hizo acto de presencia. Nuestro coordi @Perriwy:
«Queda inaugurado el festival, ¡a refugiarse!» | #Lorca…
Queríamos ser de las primeras ciudades que organizaran un Festival federal de la Canción Scout por dos veces. Lorca es #CiudadScout declarada por su @AytoLorca por algo. Ya se hizo en 1997 en similares circunstancias cuando representando a @asde_exmu fuimos a #Calatayud #Zaragoza ImageImage
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L’#expoWisigoths est une occasion en or de parler des "Barbares".
Ce terme, utilisé originellement par les Grecs, est souvent employé aujourd’hui dans la création artistique pour définir un guerrier solitaire ou une horde. #Boucherie
Alors empoignez vos scramasaxes, sellez votre fidèle poney alezan, parez-vous de votre peau de bête autour de la taille, et allons sur les chemins de la réception du "Barbare" dans la #CulturePop en compagnie de @MathieuS31
Le terme "Barbare" définit au départ celui qui ne parle pas la langue commune, donc l’Autre.
Mais bizarrement, cet élément sera peu repris dans la création fictionnelle du Barbare, au contraire de leurs caractéristiques physiques et sociales.
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TOLKIEN E O OCIDENTE -- J.R.R. #Tolkien, o autor de "O Senhor dos Anéis" (SdA), voltará às telas por um novo seriado do grupo #Amazon, que pretende aproveitar o vazio deixado pelo fim de "Game of Thrones" (na verdade, #GoT já aproveitara o vazio anterior, deixado por SdA).
Isso nos dá ocasião de refletirmos um pouco sobre a obra de Tolkien e sua influência sobre o Ocidente. Por Tolkien não foi apenas o criador de uma "mitologia pop". Na verdade, o propósito do autor era bem mais ambicioso: criar uma mitologia propriamente ocidental e católica.
Tolkien é um dos autores do chamado "renascimento católico inglês", que conta também com o Cardeal Newman (canonizado no último 13/10/2019), Chesterton, Hillaire Belloc entre outros.
Read 14 tweets
#GameofThrones won 12 #Emmys last night. This thread has a couple of our favourite #GoT posts!

#nspoli #NovaScotia #NS #geology #minerals #mining #Emmys2019 #EmmyAwards #EmmyAwards2019 Image
#MagheramorneQuarry, #NorthernIreland, is the set for #CastleBlack and #TheWall in #GameofThrones The #quarry wall is used as a backdrop and effects make it look huge.
The site's limestone was used to make cement. #NS has a limestone quarry and cement plant in Brookfield.
#nspoli ImageImage
#GameofThrones calls it dragonglass but it's really obsidian. It often forms when lava instantly cools from coming into contact with water. It's been used for thousands of years in jewelry, weapons and tools. It's still used in knives because it's much sharper than steel.
#nspoli ImageImage
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Abrimos hilo sobre #VFX, donde muestro planos de películas antes y después del trabajo de efectos visuales, y os enseño el proceso por pasos en #GIFs animados. ¿Va?
Empezamos con esta escena de #DoctorStrange. Aquí podéis ver qué es real y qué es digital.
#DelSetALaPantalla #cine
Seguimos con #TheMartian. Podéis ver que se rodó en un set bastante completo y que digitalmente se añadieron el paisaje marciano del fondo, los efectos atmosféricos y la corrección de color. Aquí por pasos y capas.
#DelSetALaPantalla #cine #VFX #EfectosVisuales #GIFs
Continuamos con varios planos de #AliceInWonderland (2010) de Tim Burton. Como veis en ocasiones hay sets de rodaje, pero en otras lo único que se conserva del plate rodado es a las actrices y poco más.
#DelSetALaPantalla #cine #VFX #EfectosVisuales #GIFs
Read 114 tweets
A weekend thought for you.

I did a video about this a couple years ago.. but “coincidences” keep happening.

Had to revisit..

There’s a chance that the creator of “The Simpsons,” Matt Groening, is a real life time traveler...

Buckle up.

A thread..
It’s all so subtle.. On Episode 3 of the ninth season, titled “Lisa’s Sax,” which aired on October 19th, 1997.

For no reason at all, in the middle of the episode Marge is holding a book titled “Curious George and the Ebola Virus”

17 yrs later in 2014, Ebola took over the world
Season 10.. Episode 5.. Titled “When you dish upon a Star”.. which aired on November 8th, 1998

A still image appears on the screen.. “20th Century Fox.. A division of Walt Disney Co.”

19 years later Disney actually bought 20th Century Fox
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Poucas vezes eu vi um deputado federal tão burro e incoerente. Essa merece uma thread. Vamos lá.

1. A fusão entre AT&T e Time Warner lembra a compra da Time Warner pela AOL em 2000, naquela que tinha sido a maior transação corporativa da história. Mas os problemas são graves...
2. O maior inimigo do capitalismo é a concentração do mercado em poucas mãos (monopólio/oligopólios).

A compra da TW pela AT&T, segundo os princípios liberais, é um crime capital porque reúne sob o mesmo controlador dois grupos líderes em setores de uma mesma cadeia.
3. O Bozo Jr. - que certamente nunca leu uma orelha de livro de economia ou economia política - passa longe disso, embora bata no peito para se dizer liberal, capitalista.

Ele deveria fazer um vídeo para alertar sobre o perigo que representa essa fusão. Mas não chega nem perto
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R is quickly becoming the tool of choice for data analysis in science. Lists of excellent resources to learn #rstats have been compiled in multiple places (I will mention here the amazing work of @djnavarro @MattCrump_ and of course @hadleywickham , links below) 1/6
No matter how absorbing this material is (and it truly is), it can be a bit tedious sometimes to learn everything in a very active way, reading and trying out commands or analyses in R. One complementary approach that I find extremely valuable is with #tidytuesday videos 3/6
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I am very late to Game of Thrones; I just started watching over Memorial Day weekend. I am on Season 3 — no fucking spoilers, please. I have a major bone to pick with all the full frontal nudity: there is a glaring problem. Everyone’s pubic area is very well groomed.
They’ve gone to all the trouble to create realism in some aspects of this magical world with thoughtful, meticulous sets, costumes, hair and makeup. They make the hair on people‘s heads dirty and overgrown which makes sense given the time period...
...when impeccable hygiene just wasn’t possible, even for the high born. When I see not only a well manicured pubic area, but a puss that’s clearly been waxed (I’ve even seen a landing strip on one of the brothel workers), it’s totally preposterous!
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It stuns me that people purporting to be Democrats or "resisters" are still devoting their time to attacking @RepAOC. This is such a blatant embrace of GOP talking points. If you don't like change, you're in the wrong party. And if you can't Google the work she's done, be quiet.
If you claim to support @SpeakerPelosi, then assume she knew what she was doing when she put @RepAOC on major committees. Here's an example of AOC's skilled takedowns on the House floor:

Here's @RepAOC as the youngest person in House history to chair the House at Pelosi's behest:

AOC becomes the Speaker of the House — momentarily…
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