This is not Vice or CNN.
It's the United Nations.
In other words: NGOs is part of a top-down global deep-state gradually built around the most powerful International Organisation.
Let's pay more attention to the Vatican and the UN. The masks are falling.
Translation: Kofi Annan [Secretary-General of the United Nations] salutes the action of Gates and Rockefeller and George Soros foundations)…
It's from the official United Nations website.…
Reminder: The "European migrant crisis" or "refugee crisis" started in 2015, mediated with NGOs…
Today, the NGO Relations Section of the UN Department of Global Communications (DGC) hosts approximately 1,300 NGOs.
a. Chairman of GOLDMAN SACHS
b. Founding Director-General of the WORLD TRADE ORGANISATION
Often called as the ‘Father of Globalisation" & massive immigration advocate.
His views on migration? "Europe’s politicians should accept diverse social communities"
From Wikipedia:…
This thread shows how the Pope gave 100.000 euros to "Caritas". This NGO instructs local immigrants e.g. how to apply for greek citizenship.
Μany got upset by Greta's appearance in UNTV (United Nations TV) and missed the main star of the UN theatrical production. The masks are falling.