#RegimeChange #FakeNews #FalseFlag #terrorism #SyriaInvasion #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstChildren #CrimesAgainstHumanity
Most outright ignore al-Sarout’s allegiance to ISIS, but here @hxhassan downplays it as a mere“flaw”.As long as you’re fighting against the official enemies of the US Govt, you’ll be labeled a hero, even if you’re loyal to the Middle East’s equivalent of nazis.

Syria and War Propaganda: Robert Stuart vs the BBC 21stcenturywire.com/2019/06/07/syr…
By whitewashing the role of Idlib mercenaries & extremist groups, Western press acts as de facto protection racketeers for the very forces exploiting civilians as human shields & preventing their exodus via the humanitarian corridors.
Syrian Army Repels Terrorists' Attack On Jalmeh In Northern Hama (Map) southfront.org/syrian-army-re…
Jihadi footballer and his American fan
"Mass media outlets are mourning the death of a well-known Jaysh al-Izza fighter named Abdel-Basset al-Sarout with grief-stricken beatifications not seen since the death of war criminal John McCain"
medium.com/@caityjohnston… …

#SYRIA🇸🇾: If you are, wherever you are, genuinely against #terrorism, you must stand with #Syria. If you are against Syria, you are, knowingly or unknowingly, supporting terrorism. Wake up before it is too late. Thank you!
🤬You all should be arrested for WarCrimes
42 of the eliminated militants were members of terrorist groups, such as Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) & its ally Jaysh al-Izza." shar.es/a0YlgI
Ahmed Qutaish was trying to target SAA vehicles in N Hama when army units hit his position, killing him & destroying his TOW launcher."
🇹🇷has nothing to interfere in🇸🇾politics.
Isn’t enough what🇹🇷has done since 2011 to🇸🇾?
🇹🇷was the country that most jihadists allowed to enter🇸🇾.
Enough🤬 aml.ink/Uw0Ns
-Sergey Lavrov- aml.ink/aWmDv
The best solution to the suffering of citizens in the 2 camps is to end the🇺🇸US occupation which supports the terrorist."
Welcome Home! Canada’s #Trudeau Government Welcomes Confessed ISIS Terrorist back to Toronto marktaliano.net/welcome-home-c… … via @Mark Taliano
Set 10 2018
Hillary Clinton email: Israeli intelligence says collapse of Syria will spark a Sunni-Shiite war that will benefit #Israel wikileaks.org/clinton-emails… … #Syria #Iran

Israeli and Turkish militaries openly supporting al Qaeda terrorist effort to eliminate Christian populations of NW Syria …
Graphic+22 : Watch how Syrian army foiled militants offensive in northern Hama
bit.ly/2KLpEYa By @Muraselon
Abdel Baset Sarout leading a chorus of terrorists singing a famous Al-QaedaSong which boasts about destroying the WTC & turning it into a pile of rubble on 9/11 & praises OsamaBinLaden.This is the man who is being hailed as a hero by WMedia
The number of civilian #casualties in #Raqqa are much higher than what the #US and its #allies are reporting, according to a new @amnesty investigation #Syria
Continuation -The number of civilian #casualties in #Raqqa are much higher than what the #US and its #allies are reporting, according to a new @amnesty investigation #Syria
Dozens of #Syrian #Refugees dismantled their tents, filled trucks with belongings & left a camp they lived in for years in E 🇱🇧on Sunday after local authorities ordered them to evacuate in the aftermath of a brawl w local firefighters.

The #Kurdish administration in NE #Syria handed over to 🇫🇷12 orphans who were born in families of #ISIS #terrorists . The Kurdish administration handed over 2 more orphans to the delegation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the 🇳🇱.

Left image : Jewish Settlers Torch Palestinian Farmlands
Right image : US-Sponsored Kurdish Militia Torch Wheat Fields in #Qamishli
"Use food as a weapon" - Henry Kissinger

Watch Turkish forces setting wheat 🌾fields on fire in NE #Syria while #ISIS is claiming responsibility.
Dez 18 2016
Victims of US State Sponsored Terrorism in #Syria
US armed WORST TYPE OF TERRORISTS who brought with them Satanic forms to torture #Syrians

#SAA soldiers singing for captured #HTS fighter in northern #Hama
Soldiers singing: Syria worth our souls, how shameful Syria get hurts by its sons who conspire against it with our enemies.
Battles for Syria | June 9th 2019 | Jihadists attack Al Qasabiyah, South...
I've never witnessed yourself or @EvaKBartlett having to dress in full wahabbi style clothing while reporting in Syria, is there something Crawford is not telling the public ?

Another rebels Turkish-supplied Panthera F9 destroyed by #SAA near Jelmah in northern #Hama

The primary focus of the airstrikes was on the terrorists supply line..."
🤬🇺🇸🗯️MF🗯️Terrorist army. 🇺🇸OUT OF🇸🇾NOW
An 11-year-old kid, Abu Bakr al-Sinjari, was killed fighting in the ranks of terrorist group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham in the northern #Hama countryside.
Terrorists are using child soldiers.

Kurdish Muppets burnt almost all of the Syrian peoples wheat to force more sufferings against Syrian people.

The Albanian Sniper Squad in Syria and their Weapons - "Xhemati Alban is a small Sunni jihadi militant group operating in #Idlib Governorate/North Aleppo, who are ethnically Albanians, though originating from #Kosovo." calibreobscura.com/the-xhemati-al…
"From Kosovo Protection Corps in the Balkans to the White Helmets of Syria, a group of well- connected people w the fundings of govts & elite billionaires have sought to wage a war on public opinion & have recently exploited Jo Cox’s death to do so."
From the Balkans to #Syria - the blueprint for regime change began in Former Yugoslavia & was then apparently modified for Syria by many of the same players, including James Le Mesurier #WhiteHelmets mintpressnews.com/inside-the-hum…
Document confirming that #Turkey with #US were involved in preparation of terrorists for #Syria infiltration

Mystery crop fires continue to scorch thousands of acres in Syria, this time in Hasakah and Qamishli provinces.
God help the people of the lands ☹️

War propaganda overdrive: Former Bush administration official/CIA operative Peter Brookes baselessly speculates that Syrian government will develop nuclear weapons and calls on word powers to prevent it nationalinterest.org/feature/syrian…
Another mass #fire in a series of dozens near #Qamishli in northeastern #Syria. Destroying thousands of acres of ready to harvest wheat hence denying farmers what was expected to be one of the best seasons in nearly two decades.
“Ruins of Liberation” multimedia site unveils #US -led coalition systematic destruction of #Raqqa – Syrian Arab News Agency @SANAEnOfficial
#Syria sana.sy/en/?p=167257
Witness Testimonies Reveal Gorgon Face Of White Helmets 'Humanitarian Activities' southfront.org/witness-testim…
Army Troops Push To Regain Control Of Tal Malah And Jubain From Militants (Map Update) southfront.org/army-troops-pu…
Military Situation In Syria On June 10, 2019 (Map Update) southfront.org/military-situa…
Syrian War Report – June 10, 2019: Militants Suffer Large Casualties In Clashes In Northern Hama
US Creates Conditions At Refugee Camps Enabling Terrorists’ Return To Syria southfront.org/us-creates-con…
Military Situation In Syria On June 11, 2019 (Map Update) southfront.org/military-situa… …
Syrian Army Repelled Attack By ISIS Cells East Of Palmyra southfront.org/syrian-army-re… …
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - White Helmets, “Bana al-Abed” And Killing “Evil Russians”
Syrian MP Fares Shehabi: Idlib Rebels Attacking Christian Towns+Cities!
According to the @nordicmonitor, #Turkish military secretly trained #Syrian rebels in IEDs, sabotage, infiltration, explosives in #Syria
bit.ly/2WBmg9r @nordicmonitor
The leaked paper describes 117 militants were trained in“Unconventional Operations”(Konvansiyonel Olmayan Harekat),a specialized term used in the 🇹🇷military for asymmetrical warfare,sabotage,infiltration,improvised explosive devices,explosives & guerrilla tactics

By @afrinactivists
Pro-Turkish factions abducted the citizen "Ahmed Malla Naasan". He is 28 years old from Kowanda village of Rajo. He was led to an unlearned destination.
The factions asked his famliy for a ransom of 3000 $ for his release.

#SYRIA: The #Syrian air defences intercept and shoot down, in #Tal_alHarrah south of the country, several missiles fired by #Israel. No casualties reported.

#SYRIA: After the failed missile attack, #Israel starts an electronic attack trying to jam the Syrian radars.

New🇮🇱missiles strike is ongoing in southern Syria.
Sources said that Israel has targeted Tall al-Harrah in north-western Daraa countryside.
Syrian air defense systems are seen launching several missiles in attempt to intercept the Israeli missiles.
Several local websites published this video showing YPG Kurdish Muppets setting fire in the lands next to the crops and wheat fields in Eastern Syria
Turkey-backed TFSA jihadists in Afrin and Al Bab arrest random civilians (mainly Kurds), accuse them of working for YPG or SAA, torture them to get a confession, force them to sign away their property, then execute them.
Same story repeats every week
When CNN Crew Blew Up the Oil Pipeline in Homs..! Watch Arwa "Demon" in action..! syrianews.cc/cnn-crew-blew-… …
BREAKING: Syrian air defenses initiated in response to Israeli missiles – reports sptnkne.ws/mCUq #Syria #Israel
DETAILS: Israeli missiles targeting the mountain of Tell Al-Harrah in northwestern Daraa Governorate Al-Masdar in Syria were engaged by Syrian air defenses, Al-Masdar News reports sptnkne.ws/mCUq

MORE: Multiple missiles confirmed targeting of Tel-AlHara in southern #Syria, a mountaintop which gives a commanding view of the region as far as the Golan Heights and the Hauran. sptnkne.ws/mCUq #Israel
Another Israeli raid, another chance for the Syrian Arab Army to test and improve its capabilities.
There is only one loser here, and it’s not Damascus.
Syrian air defenses confront Israeli missile aggression on Tal al-Harra in southern region, down a number of missiles sana.sy/en/?p=167370
Remember when @realDonaldTrump retweeted @Jaydabf about the video of a "muslim man breaking a statue of mary" ?
Well that man was a US backed rebel from #idlib.
And now Trump openly supports those same AlQaeda rebels in Idlib.

🇮🇱Sigal P. Mandelker a lawyer & govmt official currently serving as Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism & Financial Intelligence. This position has been under🇮🇱control since its creation.
see Niqnaq at link:
US Propaganda Blitz Ahead of #Idlib’s Liberation
My latest for @MintPressNews: Media Paints Jihadist Commander Who Pledged Allegiance to ISIS as a Soccer Star With the Voice of an Angel mintpressnews.com/abdel-basset-a…
SYRIA: Kurdish Contras accused of crop-fires by civilians in Qamishli and countryside patreon.com/posts/syria-ku…
Militant Armed Drone Shot Down By Syrian Army In Northern Hama southfront.org/militant-armed…
Pro-Government Sources Announce Another Ceasefire In Northern Hama southfront.org/pro-government… …
The #US and its allies are caught once again providing weapons to militants seeking to destabilize #Syria. #PressRelease
Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham is one of the largest rebel groups in Syria;they make up a large portion of the🇹🇷-backed National Liberation Front."
Syrian War Report – June 12, 2019: Israeli Military Continues Strikes On Syria
HTS And Its Allies Violate New Ceasefire, Attack Army Positions In Hama, Idlib southfront.org/hts-and-its-al…
Israel Criminally Bombs Tal al Harah Syria; Many Missiles Intercepted
#Syria #TalalHarah @miriwood for @syria_updates @3arabiSouri @VanessaBeeley @EvaKBartlett @WissamSlimanSy syrianews.cc/israel-crimina…
OPCW director general as good as admits both that his organisation concealed findings in Douma that risked upsetting the western powers & that those findings pointed to the jihadists, not Assad, being responsible for the chemical attack
Further confirmation from Chemical Weapons watchdog OPCW - that recent leak of material casting doubt on Syrian responsibility for alleged gas attack Douma is genuine. Why have so many Western media not covered this major development?
Israel and Turkey are cooperating closely, using their jihadist/takfiri proxies against Syria …
The Syrian army fighters are Syrians of all sects & ethnicities who defend their country...The allies are fighting alongside the Syrian army. They entered Syria legally. The jihadists are the agenda of al-Qaeda & mercenaries working for money.
the truce is over. a large scale jihadist attack is under way against numerous Syrian army positions in north Hama
Turk @ObaidaHitto reporter for @trtworld claims that Syrian government bombed a church in Ghassaniya that was destroyed by Turkey-sponsored Jihadis in 2013
asianews.it/news-en/Idlib,… …
🇺🇸backed Qasad terrorist militias are burning farmland & wheat fields in Hasakeh Province,NE 🇸🇾as local farmers have(as always)sold their products through the🇸🇾Govt
On top of the sanctions affecting Syrians, you have bastards like these.
🤬Free Syrian Army = Terrorist Group
Now, Turkey 🇹🇷sends more troops to defend its terrorist allies😡🗯️MF.
🤬This is a LIE!🤥
🤬Report FABRICATED Entirely in UK🇬🇧!
Amnesty International admits Syria's 'torture prison' report fabricated entirely in UK -- Puppet Masters -- Sott.net sott.net/article/342113…