1/ Definition.
A practical definition of an idiot could be this: binary thinking, either PRO or AGAINST sth. No nuance.
- throw all gays to jail or Soros-sponsored LGBT parades?
- blindly accept ALL vaccinations or blindly reject them?
> In fact, classical manuals of propaganda teach step-by-step how to create a BIPOLAR AXIS (black & white) to dominate the debate before even starting it.
(1) It would idiotic to presume that all idiotic trends are equal.
(2) Never underestimate the power of idiots in large groups
Let's explore the first principle...
- (A) All vaccines are evil ... or ... (B) all vaccines are safe
- (A) Muslim caliphate ... or ... (B) atheism is the "scientific" way of life
- (A) White nationalism ... or ... (B) open borders
... you know the rest

Deers & antilopes pause at any subtle noise from the woods presuming there is a hidden threat. ANY NOISE = DEATH SIGNAL. The less paranoid deers didn't survive. Period.
Again, oh... what a coincidence... religious groups being the non-conformists to central authority.
The WCS is NOT a plague. Humanity survived countless plagues. The worst scenario is being hunted by the most potent HUNTER: a human with tools. And, at the same time, living a natural catastrophe (e.g. plague).
am I an anti-vaxxer? No.
am I pro-vaccines? No.
I'm pro judging ALL medical treatments individually case-by-case and use them ONLY with informed consent. At any point, when an unidentified noise comes from the woods..... it may actually kill us.
And still, our values evolved in favouring CONSENT over COERCION, INSPIRING & PERSUADING over THREATENING. Favouring the COMPLEX over the EASY social solutions.