The politics of the @BorderIrish are everything in this discussion. /2
You only need to scratch the surface for a second to know that there is no political will to make the fantasy tech border work.
This is as much a reality as camera gantries, drones and blockchain. /3
This is not a new message from @RepBrendanBoyle /5
It's not good enough to say 'but Owen Paterson was Northern Ireland secretary for two years, so he must know..'
And then refuse to test your ideas against practical and political realities. /6
who actually have a lived experience about how the border and its supply chains work. /7…
There's the usual vague stuff about 'internet of things' and 'blockchain' and then this.... "fingerprint and facial recognition" technology.... just waiting for Irish nationalists to form an orderly queue to have the fingerprints scanned. /9

And sensors to track the goods...not clear, still, how that works with milk industry? Weigh bridges? As @JP_Biz says, you can't put a RIFID chip on a tanker of milk.../10

It won't be ready in the rest of the (benign) UK until 2030!
It will require 28 govt agencies to work together...and as the plan admits rather sadly, the Govt doesn't have a v good track record.
And it wd require buy-in from Dublin & Brussels! /11

Its Fisherprice, Tonka Toy-level thinking (with the greatest respect for those great brands) and yet it is STILL the basis for political debate in the UK on #Brexit /12…

Same choices. Pick a border. Any border....(a real one, not a fantasy one) and then work backwards from there. /15
Am off for an Easter break now...lets some air out of the tyres. I hope when we get back, the fog might have lifted. But I fear not.
Wishing y'all good break. /17ENDS