@Nestle @NestleCWAR @CPCNig @FMWRNigeria @PoliceNG @hrradiotv @cislacnigeria icirnigeria.org/how-nestle-nig…
@Nestle @NestleCWAR
@Nestle @NestleCWAR @CPCNig @FMWRNigeria @PoliceNG @hrradiotv

@Nestle @NestleCWAR @CPCNig @FMWRNigeria
@Nestle @NestleCWAR @FMWRNigeria

Unregulated discharge of effluents from the factory has created a gully erosion that rendered roads in the community inaccessible and destroyed farmlands.
@Nestle @FMWRNigeria

“You will have to give me a document to substantiate the claims you’ve made so I can send it to the corporate headquarters in Lagos for their response