As for the prediction of the progression of shootings:
*govt - OKC
*schools - Columbine
*seniors - Carthage
* kids - Sandy Hook
*babies - Dearborn
No question in my mind that the Democrats are capable of staging all mass shootings NONE
True conservatives, regardless of their true thoughts on guns, are constitutionalists + refuse to mess with the constitution. They also know, that if they retreat on the gun issue, Democrats/Deep State will take over Western Civ within a year.
The Democratic Party is the Public branch of the deep state. But never forget – the deep state was created by liberal Democrats. When Kennedy and Reagan wouldn’t play ball – they both got shot. You better believe they want Trump dead too. Badly!
Yes America – you have a force in your country that is willing to send people into schools, daycares, government buildings, oldage homes, and concerts, to shoot your right to bear arms right out of your lives. It’s very important not to give in.
I also shudder when I hear people, on the right, even allow the hunting and recreational shooting argument enter in. The right to bear arms was put in place to protect the citizenry against everpresent tyranny. That tyranny still wants your guns
That’s why they make so much noise about 45’s travel and protection budget. That’s the next thing they will try to go after. They want him exposed and shot – like Kennedy and Reagan. Anyone who thinks they don’t is naive AF.
The war on the NRA is the EXACT same as the enemy in the American revolution. The NRA is a physical embodiment of the men who rode through New England urging people to CLENCH their muskets. You put those down – you are done America. I’m serious.
The globalist left wants police to be neutered, men gone, they want Christianity eradicated and they want two classes: a tiny little white elite and a serf class - made up of submissive minorities. Where do whites fit in? They don’t. Literally.
Where does Trump fit in? They thought they had him. But he flipped on them. You don’t become a billionaire in America without them allowing it. Now they realize that he is against them and he knows the plan. Get your head around that! ENEMY # 1
President Trump isn’t just against the deep state and left. He knows their playbook. That’s why Hillary said they were all going to hang if he got in. Whatever crisis of conscience he had, something drove him rogue. Now he hunts them.
Patriots – take heart. This battle was won on the cross. But POTUS45 still needs support. Why do I care? Because 🇨🇦 needs the 🇺🇸. We sleep under your protection. Let’s not give in. Pray + Support 🇺🇸 and 🇺🇸. We can stave off Globalism together.
With the Russians and the Chinese stalking the Northwest passage above Canada, it is conceivable the Canada could become the battleground in a war between the United States and either China or Russia – or both. I’m serious.
It will be interesting to see how President Trump chooses to handle Canada’s North. My guess is that he is letting Trudeau alienate China (see Huawei CEO arrest) – so he can sweep in and take care of things on his terms.
At the behest of my own commonsense, and some advice I received, it is very important for me to say that in no way, shape or form am I advocating violence. Thank you.