The SZ and der Spiegel have received secretly filmed video material which shows Strache talking about being willing to accept questionable donations from Russia.
The clou: she is a decoy.
A summary (in German) can be found here:…
Nothing could scare people like Strache, Trump, et al. more.…
1.) 0 happens. Strache will have to apologise and then everyone hopes that the news cycle moves on.
2.) Strache resigns/is forced to resign, but will steer things from the back.…
FPÖ (Strache): 22%
Only viable alternative for Kurz: SPÖ.
Will FPÖ voters turn away from their party/Strache because of this scandal? Don't think so. It's no secret that he is harbouring love for Russia and other autocrats. They voted for him despite this.
Strache's FB and Twitter: Silent
The FPÖ’s FB: Silent
Austria's right-wing alternative news sites: Silent
No mention or defence of the scandal.

It only describes Strache’s willingness to do so in a meeting that was a set-up.
Important difference.