His prescient topic: What lies ahead for the media in India? And what can others learn from their example.

1. decreasing viability of business model
2. Social media being used as a “disciplining device”
3. Increasing resort to (extra)legal means to curb free press
And guess what he uses to do so? Twitter.
The politically motivated lawsuits against it amount to more than 1 billion $
And they are not only outlet being targeted.
Pro-government hate speech faces...nothing.
In essence, India is already where the US seems to be heading.
Best to follow this on the @risj_oxford account and livestream.

“You have to be nationalistic. Either you are with the government or not. Critical journalism is seen as hate speech against the government”
“But clearly we have a President who only favours the media that favours him”
“I don’t think we are anywhere close to the situation India. And I don’t want to go down that path”
But the system is far more stacked against the press in India. “I would far prefer the US situation and system”
And so far no real solution exists for this crisis...
Government officials know this - they know that no one is looking. And what happens then?