5/17 #NXIVM trial Day 8:
Friday's testimony was in 3 parts, and was at times VERY disturbing and draining. First the lighter stuff, as the testimony of Detective Fontanelli continues, describing the layout of #NancySalzman’s home and the evidence they found. 1/
Total cash found in bags/boxes in #NancySalzman’s home is $515k
(+another 8k laying around)
1) Remote Puppy Trainer
2) Studded Rubber Paddle
3) Hanging Rubber Strap Cage
4) Heavy Duty Suspension Bar Kit
6)Thigh Sling with Wrist Cuffs
7)Full Body Strap set
The prosecution asks about the first item, is it for puppies?
Next we were shown the images and product descriptions, which he read to us...
"The device creates a sound each time shock is emitted for TRAINING PURPOSES. The second button will emit same sound, but no shock, 2 warn your bad puppy that a shock may be coming if they keep it up!"
These= torture devices.

The descriptions of all these items make it sound like fun and games...
These are for torturing slaves.
#NXIVMtrial #NXIVM evidence

Where is line between consensual and outright slavery/torture?
We'll find out, but so far not looking good.
I think thats enough for tonight, will finish up tomorrow with 2nd invoice and Laura Salzman.
#ShallWePlayaGame &pretend the MSM is telling us the truth when they report "sex toys" (If they even report it at all)?
No, #ThisIsNotaGame The "Inner Circle" of #NXIVM was planning a dungeon (this was in #LaurenSalzman's testimony on Friday):

Invoice #2 (canceled order) contained the following items:
1) Steel Puppy Cage
2)Upright Cage
3)Remote Puppy Plug
4) Breathable ball gag
5) Bed restraint kit
Some images of items are on tweet #17 in this thread- are these toys?
The second invoice was canceled due to a mismatch of Billing (Daniela Bergeron) and Shipping addresss (ALex Martin?)
#KeithRaniere did say he wanted 2 "break" Allison Mack, when Mark Vicente asked re: her declining mental health.

All "YES"...
He asked if the book 50 shades of Gray had increased their business- Only a "slight bump"..
Despite this, the CTO says they have thousands of customers...
He didnt ask how many jail cells are sold, but I am curious.
Very thin, dressed in black.
She kept her head down walking to the witness stand- I am no body language expert but EXTREME shame was what I felt I was seeing- I wasnt expecting it at all, and honestly I immediately felt sorry 4 her.
She slept with other women at his request..
She spend HUNDREDs of hours planning his birthday events..
He promised her children and took it away- blaming her behavior at volleyball.
Anywho, after he finally breaks her down, he offers new hope, asking her 2 join #NXIVMs new secret society, the VOW
She describes the structure:
First line slaves referred to Keith as "Master"
2nd line slaves refer to him as "Grandmaster"
and 3rd line under them refer to him as "Supreme Master"
(MLM again?!) #NXIVM
At start of each meeting a GROUP NUDE photo was sent to Raniere,
#NXIVM Brands must be shown. and they MUST "look happy".
Items discussed :
A book,
Keiths vision for DOS,
A Game?(not sure if I got this right),
and a DUNGEON.
All podcasts are here- they are RIVETING!
I haven't gotten through them all yet myself...
THEY ALL sought #KeithRaniere's approval and wanted to change the world:
#NXIVMtrial primer
First Line DOS (Dominus Obsequious sororium -->Master over slave) Members:
Monica Duran
RosaLaura Junco
Loretta Garza
Nikki Clyne
Daniela Bergeron (extreme restraints dungeon invoices)
Lauren Salzman
Allison Mack
Racketeering Conspiracy and Racketeering, Harboring and trafficking (locked "Dani" in room x2yrs, under threat of deportation)