1⃣Here's a list of top influencers across all categories by the proprietary Symplur Rank.

1. Relevance to the hashtag - higher scores go to ATS orgs and docs who are active in the ATS community all the time (not just during #ATS2019).
2. Accounts with many followers, but not just any followers...
✅consistently active
✅ post and engage w content related to the hashtag regularly
✅ have their own highly engaged/relevant/ followers

Folks like @EricTopol crush it with just a tweet or two. #ATS2019

You don't need to tweet at all.
😎This one captures you as an influencer if everyone else is talking about you. #ATS2019

I like to consider rank, impressions, mentions, and tweet count in totality. Someone who tweets a modest amount but also has a high number of mentions and impressions is likely very influential.
What's your take, #ATS2019?