Not so much. 2b continued- gotta head in
While in 2nd semester, Dani's well to do parents took an ESP (not NXIVM yet) course in Monterrey- she would visit them after school- they told her the leader "was the smartest man in the world".
That if things didnt change- the world would end in 15 years?! (Sound familiar?👇) #NXIVM
Dani: "Yes I learned this was a lie, there was no mathematical calculation, it was just an idea Keith had"...
She met Nancy Salzman( a little frightening, enthusiatic, pushy) and Pam Kafritz, who accompanied Keith everywhere "She was like HIS HANDLER of sorts" , she says.
She learned they were cooking the books, entering all cash payments as scholarships and putting it in Karens drawer... she was not being paid for her work...
He turned it over to Nancy, " but that he would "be there for her". They grilled her. They exposed her publicly in ESP class. He set it up so he was good guy
He gets her to say she wants sex for her 18th birthday, after pushing and hinting... then he says.. You must lose weight first(!)- same thing he said to #LaurenSalzman, (and everyone) #control #belittle
They do...But instead of one happy family- all together...Each sibling is kept separate in different houses. Looking back, Dani says this was to isolate Cami..
All these 8 hours of testimony in 46 tweets, and Dani still has yet to get herself locked in a room for 2 years!- Court breaks till Tuesday.
I find myself wondering if Bronf connection 2 #NXIVM will b revealed. Whats up with that island they own?