Yes Polly, LOTS to CHEW on here, as I think #KeithRaniere was absolutely giving us clues with those Nazi references- so was Q. We should all watch and talk about this..
I decided 2 start digging into the Q challenge of a "bottom to top unravel" of Nancy Salzman as relates 2 #NXIVM. Care to join anyone?
Below is the Deposition of Nancy Salzman in November, 2000
How very Interesting...🧐👇…

Starting w/ NLP Founder Robert Dilts- Here's his bio, turns out he did some work at Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute,1976-77…
Guess what?
Members of another cult- the Jim Jones Cult- had been patients there(?!) They drank the coolaid in 1978.
#wtf #MkUltra
@PatriotsSoapbox @VerumRadix @99freemind @amycheapho @bitchinger @steveouttrim 🧐👇

Googling around, I found video below.
Erickson= involved in #MKUltra?!
Q, what's #NXIVM connection?
@PatriotsSoapbox @VerumRadix @99freemind @amycheapho @bitchinger @steveouttrim
Not related 2 Salzman, just thought it was rather shocking and may explain some of the more extreme followers of #NXIVM👇🧐…

Richard Bandler, John Grinder