The cost, not the price for admission, the cost is to The People.
- Loss of self
- Loss of cultural identity
- Who is the beneficiary? Citizens should be but are not, so who is?
What has it cost France's Citizens?
Italy's Citizens?
UK's Citizens?
USA's Citizens?
And for what? FOR WHAT? So some animals, followers of Islam, can have what? Our land? Benefit from what our cultures have developed?
So Islam can rape, pillage and plunder the creations of our ancestors and the West?
Ah, so there are a few muslims that speak out against radical Islam? You're willing to validate and make exceptions for the whole based on a few, on a grand scale?
A scale that has only shown death, rape, murder and cultural destruction?
And in return The People get what? WHAT do we get from these decisions of government?
The questions asked, when answered in truth, do not bode well for us, we that value our heritage, our families, our culture and our ancestry.
We that pay homage to our fallen who fought the evil so we can live with freedom peace.
Whether it be a cost for an experiment or a cost developed out of evil, it has exponentially progressed a bloodletting from the Citizens of the West.