The key topics for discussion this year are:
2. What Next for Europe? [Making Sure Macron and Brigitte Don't Become Louis and Marie]
3. Climate Change and Sustainability [How To Get That Wealth Transferring Global Tax Enacted] . . .
5. Russia [We're Nice; Why Don't the Slavs Want To Be Our Slaves?]
6. The Future of Capitalism [Adopting Lyn de Rothschild's "Capitalism With A Heart" OR How To Buy Off More Of the 99% So Nothing Will Change for Us]
8. The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence [HaHa: Shame On You If You Believe WE Care About Ethics!]
10. The Importance of Space [Oh, Goody; A New Platform for Killing and Defilement]
11. Cyber Threats [How To Keep hip Cyber Punks From Hacking Us Into Oblivion]