Let's bring this to our meetings, @vihreat! 😀

The glorious @anna_cavazzini presents compromises on the Europe-programme to the delegates.
She's also a candidate for the list that will be voted on tomorrow!

The list is numbered (2014 place 12 was enough to be an MEP), each place is opened, voted on in max 3 rounds until someone is picked, and then the next opened
Today is the big day of making The List! At least the 4 first seats are usually divvied up between the party wings. Let's see!

"We read it one more time last night and it reads well!"
Props to live-translation!

1) Abstention
2) No
3) Because Armin Laschet chased him
4) Because power company RWE does not negotiate with activists
5) Because beetles can't talk"
4 wins, but without absolute majority, so would go into second round!
"In 3 weeks, at the climate-top-meeting, Europe must be the driving force."
"We need binding social regulations in the EU."
"We are the parliamentary wing of democrats in Chemnitz, feminists in Warsaw"
"Germany is the greatest winner of the unification of Europe, we must not forget that"
"But we don't want to continue with the same Europe. 5 strengths:
Environmental legislation, good in Poland, good here!
Agrarian politics must change to benefit biodiversity.
Climate: leaders globally
Social: Europe has helped given minorities and women chances. But we want more! Minimum wage, social standards...
Tax avoidance: EU has done much but not enough
Chemicals directive is strictest in the world. Tells story of his son who's teeth suffer, according to experts due to chemical pollution. ❤️
But right now the two party chairs, @ABaerbock and @RobertHabeck, are (centrist) Realos.
Traditional balances have changed.
The trick: there's two boxes, one for women, one for other.
The second trick: if one box is empty, debate is over.
Less #Mansplaining at #BDK18.

And now debate on chapter 6 in programme! (I haven't read it! Sorry!) Seems it's on... regions?
Song playing: Sixteen tons
"Only if we know and understand our history."
Tells of the change in attitudes in society, and of not being a party of only one generation: "That, dammit, we aren't!"
Strong stuff.
And the worth of Europe this opened to her, and what follows: a commitment to a Europe for social justice, for fundamental rights...
1) Abstention
2) No
3) @TerryReintke!
I like the odds. Third leftie in a row for the list. First time ever?
The ones who left were @JanAlbrecht and... Hmm. Who? Can't remember!
Yeah, no.
Last time it was 12. If the polls hold up, it will be a BIG group. If. Always if.

And note, the ones who don't make it in their own round don't get another presentation!

Minorities: frisians, sinti, roma, minorities commissioner.


This is a harsh field!

The political line in general between all candidates for place 15 is shared, but they each have their own theme. Really strong! Spontaneously, Henrike feels like her presentation is the syrongest.
THEN the #BDK18 decided to keep working, with a 2/3 majority.
Unglaublich. ❤️

These are generally considered as "zero chance/risk of being elected" but there's always people who just want to campaign!

And now a different topic: the first "Putin-versteher" (my estimation), Andreas Herden, speaks on Crimea and Syria. Loud *boo*ing from different parts of the room. There will be a vote on some part of the programme.
It wasn't always that way, but now it was.

Also nice: if only women voted, @Die_Gruenen would be biggest party in Germany.