Some background:… #utpol
Feds are done. Kathy Nester, Koerber's attorney, is now beginning her cross-examination. @fox13 #utpol
But he says @UtahCommerce employees told him there was no problem registering under an alias. @fox13 #utpol
How much money did he make? Belcher says once the legal smoke cleared from Koerber's case, they would start to make money.
The judge says, Koerber asked for Belcher's legal name on a doc. #utpol
FYI, @UtahCommerce doesn't explicitly prohibit the use of aliases, Skousen testifies. So long as there's contact info. Ditto for a PO Box. @fox13 #utpol
Has he ever used the name "Derek Roebuck?"
"No," Skousen says. @fox13 #utpol
"So you weren't asked to leave the [Huntsman] administration?" he's asked.
Skousen admits some controversy over a division head he fired. @fox13 #utpol
Judge now asking about quality of work by Koerber at Corvus. Skousen concedes sometimes he cut deadlines close, and it was "irritating to me." @fox13 #utpol
So he went to the Oregon Court of Appeals (and used Koerber to serve process). There was a complaint of improper service, but nothing came of it, Philpot says. #utpol
"It's not a crime. It's to their own detriment," Nester says.
They have no evidence of a crime, she tells the judge. Affidavits from law firm show they stand to gain $$ from missed deadline on appeal. #utpol