It's everywhere, permeating our consciousness.
We're at a turning point. A crossroads.
➡️ We can keep the status quo, let #ConcentrationCamps multiply on US soil, deaths pile up, we KNOW where it leads.
↩️ Or we change direction, take the less traveled path.

They're talkin' 'bout a revolution
It sounds like a whisper
And finally the tables are starting to turn
#NoKidsInCages #NoConcentrationCamps
#NoKidsInCages #NoConcentrationCamps #LestWeForget
#DonnaConcentrationCamp #ElPasoConcentrationCamp

Newest Children's #ConcentrationCamp opens at Carrizo Springs, TX.…
But Homestead is failing children badly and is being sued, as of last Friday.

#NoConcentrationCamps #NoKidsInCages #LestWeForget

Not that it bothers people who'd put kids in #ConcentrationCamps to begin with.
Lawsuit vs Homestead:…

Not Prison.

Although CBP stated almost a month ago that they were putting up new camps in McAllen and Rio Grande City, I haven't been able to find proof they *were* raised. If anyone has pics...?
#NoKidsInCages #LestWeForget

#NoConcentrationCamps #LestWeForget

This is prison.
ORR doesn't care about that.
HHS is looking at Fort Benning, too.…
Dan Stratton (below) tried to sell the idea of using The Studios to Dimmit County 3 years ago, for family detention.
It didn't work.

If it weren't a prison.
Stratton seemed to fundamentally misunderstand how detention works....…

Now, The Studios was "secure." No one could leave it. The kids'd go to school onsite, not in the community.
And no Syrians!…

Now it's gonna be Carizzo Springs #ConcentrationCamp for kids!