“the delays have given Trump the impression they can ignore their requests & get away with it unscathed. ‘You need a pirate’ when taking on Trump. ‘Nadler is just a sailor.’”

GOAL– Get full Mueller report/ EVIDENCE
WIFFLEBALL– Civil suit in court dragging it out for a year, perhaps losing
HARDBALL– Impeach Trump officials; Daily fines for private citizens

✔ 90% Insurance & Pharmaceutical companies.
✔ 10% “Votesane PAC” (Mostly realtors from everywhere but Neal’s Northeast)

“But in a sign of the newfound cooperation, the House will not formally vote to hold Barr in contempt of Congress, a criminal accusation against him, at least for now.”
“But in a sign of the newfound cooperation, the House will not formally vote to hold Barr in contempt of Congress, a criminal accusation against him, at least for now.”
Before we decide if this is a mistake, we need to know what Nadler gave away.