Minot: "With difficulty, I got him to start at the beginning".
Bernie was involved in school politics, but not national politics. His brother was active with Young Dems but Bernie graduated school with minor exposure to politics
It was at Chicago he met all kind of politically active individuals - "socialists, anarchists, communists. I learned from them".
As adolescents, Bernie and his older brother used to take the subway from Brooklyn to Manhattan just to explore the outside world. By chance, they came across a Vermont tourism display at Rockefeller Center.
👉Worked with the Head Start Program
👉Ran a small moving company
👉Did carpentry
👉Worked in Tax Department under Gov.Hoff
👉Associate Editor of Vermont Freeman
👉Ran a film strips business, which made 60-70 films, successful.
"Noam Chomsky described Sanders's achievement as extremely striking. He has predicted a slow drift toward New Deal-type liberalism and sees Sanders an an indicator to this trend."
"His campaign is one of the most important turning points in our history. He speaks to the fundamental basic issues that people are concerned with. And that's been one of the weaknesses of the Democratic party."
He probably never though that 30 years later Bernie will be the one reforming democratic party.
Full article: jstor.org/stable/25125110