1) Tools
2) Operational expertise
3) Resource (people) gaps
1 Cues about observations
2 How judgements are made
3 Options considered
4 How they knew something
5 External forces at play
6 How things normally work
7 Drivers to ask for help

1 Avoid the hunt for Root Cause
2 “Human error” limits learning about contributing factors
3 Counterfactuals, statements about things that could/should/would have happened, do not enable learnings of what *did* happen
1 ROI comes from distribution of expertise
2 Expertise helps us understand how things operate normally not just how they fail
3 Minimalistic RCA provides minimal value
4 Focus on both Error reduction and insight generation


1 After the summary, is it easy to digest?
2 Does the message inspire readers to dig deeper?
3 Get feedback on a draft of the publication

Can’t wait to run similar workshops back home!