Seminar by Prof Alexandra Klass (of @UMNews@UMNIonE )
on #energy transitions (not just policy) under Trump
on now, I'll be live tweeting.
Thread follows...
Trump #energy priorities were a major shift: energy "dominance", revive coal industry, reduce env't regs on extractive #FossilFuels industry. "Underlying all this requires quite a bit of skpeticism on #climatechange" in DOT, EPA etc to implement. Prof. Alexandra Klass @IIIEElund
Trump's "Affordable Clean Energy Rule" = business as usual, states can do what they want. (replacement for Obama's clean power plan). No evidence that coal supports national security, DOE subsidies to coal don't make sense and may end soon. Prof. Alexandra Klass
Trump admin rollback Aug 2018 of GHG limits & fuel economy for cars (over auto industry protests over uncertainty). Trump has used authority thru Dept of Interior to increased #fossilfuel extraction on federal lands & waters. Prof. Alexandra Klass
Questions Prof. Alexandra Klass tackles in her talk on energy under Trump: 1. Can rollback of fed env't trends overcome energy economic trends? 2. How much can states, local gov't, tribes resist new policies and/or economic trends? 3. What's role of the courts? #energytwitter
US energy sources (via @Livermore_Lab):
Transport runs almost all on petroleum.
Lots of natural gas for electricity + industry.
All coal goes to electricity generation.
Prof. Alexandra Klass #energytwitter
Energy consumption in US (@EIAgov)
10% of fuel in US is corn-based ethanol (Renewable Fuel Standard, popular in corn states, not in oil & gas states- Iowa being the 1st Presidential caucus influences federal ethanol policy).
Electricity now from gas > coal
Prof. Alexandra Klass
Great #dataviz by @washingtonpost showing electricity production by state. "You do not want to drive an electric car in West Virginia," says Prof Alexandra Klass. nearly 100% electricity comes from dirty coal.…
Here's what #fracking looks like: drill deep well, then drill horizontally and pump in material to extract oil/gas. Has greatly increased US gas production (reversed declining trend), changed state producers, changed conversation on domestic energy security. Prof Alexandra Klass
Now infrastructure mis-matched w production (#fracking moves gas production to locations that historically didn't produce it). This leads to huge flaring of gas (bad for climate)- can even be seen from space as in this @NASA photo. Prof Alexandra Klass
Wind is in the center of the US. Electricity demand is on the coasts. Three energy grids in the US (Texas has its own). Current efforts to build transmission lines from middle out. -Prof Alexandra Klass
Main tool for clean energy in US is renewable portfolio standards, require electric utilities to buy/generate/credit x % renewable electricity. CA 60% by 2030. Trend moving towards clean energy/zero emissions, beyond renewable (can count nuclear). -Prof Alexandra Klass
Renewable energy costs falling so quickly is really driving change (not fed policy). States promote/want to sell resources they have: coal=WVa, wind=Iowa, corn ethanol= Midwest. States w/o energy resources focus on $/envt protection (eg., NY, CT, MA driving offshore wind) A Klass
A lot of Trump policies aren't holding up in court. Courts find Trump rules and policies violate Administrative Procedure Act- sloppy, passed in a rush, skip required env’t reviews, decisions are "arbitrary and capricious." Prof Alexandra Klass
Demand from businesses (many big tech customers) for 100% clean energy is pushing electricity generators to offer 100% clean energy. Prof Alexandra Klass
Federal gov’t owns huge amount of surface land in West (as well as sub-surface resources like oil and gas). Fed land was given away a long time ago on the East Coast! Gov’t has much more control over what it owns, not private land it regulates. Prof Alexandra Klass
Martin Hultman finds 4 kinds of #ClimateChange denial: 1. Organized: groups that spread and support misinformation 2. Party political-ideological: political parties 3. Response: decisions incompatible with claimed climate goals 4. Everyday: ppl know but don't act. @becc_sweden
Very relevant research questions from Martin Hultman. Focus on three key actors in #ClimateChange denial: extractive industries (since 1960), conservative think tanks (1989-), and right-wing nationalism (2008-). @GeoffreySupran, @BenFranta are you in touch with Martin?
Depressingly long history of #ClimateChange denial from Martin Hultman. Glaring gap between knowledge and action- partly explained by deliberate misinformation campaigns, as illustrated with #ExxonKnew tactics to delegitimize science, greenwash & mislead the public.
Communicating #ClimateChange: @NinaWormbs reflects on using technology (satellites) as stand-in for "seeing with our own eyes"; a scientific gaze used to support an economic claim ("melting sea ice will opens Northwest Passage shipping")…
Scientific language needs to be precise and non-emotional; @NinaWormbs likens Rachel Carson and Jim Hansen as facing similar communication struggles to convey scientific problems in a way people understand emotionally. @becc_sweden
A re-evaluation of what is rational for people: @NinaWormbs gives overview of research that can help us make sense of #climatechange denial.
Agriculture is the most destructive human activity invented. Major cause of biodiversity loss, water and ocean pollution, climate pollution. @LennartLUCSUS says the root cause is using annual plants instead of perennials - a 10,000 year old mistake. Thread on his talk 👇🏽
@LennartLUCSUS Annual crops (cereals, oilseeds, legumes) are 80% of food. This means overturning soil and destroying its structure & life at least 1-2x/year. @LennartLUCSUS
@LennartLUCSUS .@LennartLUCSUS quotes Wes Jackson on natural system agriculture. The key is diversity in space (polyculture) + perennial crops living for many years w/ large/deep roots. Jackson's vision for perennial ag he thought would take 100 years, closer to reality in 50.
Paris Agreement aims to stabilize climate thru “balance of sources and sinks”. @wim_carton gives overview of various negative emissions tech - all aim to prevent/remove carbon from atmosphere and transfer to land/geology/oceans.
Here’s what bioenergy with carbon capture and storage #BECCS looks like. Burn vegetation for energy, capture carbon. @wim_carton
"In my research I try to understand ideologies and different ways of seeing the world" especially re #climate denial and right-wing ideology says @KirstiJylhae visiting for @LUCSUS_LU seminar. Thread to follow
#Climate denial can consist of 3 elements: trend (not occurring), attribution (not caused by us), impact (no serious consequences), and all are problematic, says @KirstiJylhae
What's needed for people to #ActOnClimate? @FridaHylander uses "Model of helping" to understand #climate psychology.
To motivate action, people need to: 1. notice an event 2. interpret the problem as an emergency 3. feel personal responsibility.
1. Notice event- barriers to notice #climatechange include:
Humans perceive emotionally, not rationally
Slow gradual threats seen as risky as fast, vivid ones
"villains" are easier to blame than nature
Living in cities, far from nature
fragmented knowledge