Oh. My. God. This week. Facebook Libra squads up. Binance🖕US. Mass delistings. State power resurgent. Pomp’s birthday!
Bitcoin doesn’t sleep and neither do I on weeks like this!
Strap in, kids, it’s long reads time!
On the one hand, some argue this is going to be a “Netscape moment”
In other words, a context for people who had dismissed crypto to come back to the fray
@CharlieShrem straight up calls BS
While @bullyesq pins down the massive concerns around privacy and panopticons
We had a big announcement from @Binance that US customers would be kicked off its main site starting in September.
@wheatpond wrote about it in PoW proofofwork.news/p/proof-of-wor…
& @twobitidiot picked up similar themes messari.substack.com/p/making-crypt…
while @propelforward looked at some new definition clarity out of Nevada