Learn more: docs.settle.finance

Will undoubtedly mark a symbolic moment for the @Ethereum ecosystem. Right as #Devcon4 approaches, too!

Makes registering and setting up your own custom .eth address easier than ever.
Click through to learn more! medium.com/@EthSimple/int…
Main stage presentations mixed with participatory breakout sessions and technical workshops.
@CambrialCapital has got you sorted for video streaming links!
See below for agenda.
Dubbed the #niTRON (tronsummit.io), the summit will take place on January 17-18 in #SanFrancisco.

The #crypto wallet is available on both iOS and Android versions. medium.com/@trustwallet/t…
Its new interface allows users to track internal contract transactions and view token holders.
Led by @ParadigmFdn (its first investment lead), the equity round featured @Sequoia, @Coinbase, @MulticoinCap, @ScalarCapital, @DCVC, @ConsenSys, et al.
@MattHuang will join BoD.
Quite neat indeed!
At block height 419200, #Sapling activation took place on the #Zcash network.
A slew of overall performance improvements expected to follow. Click through to learn more: z.cash/blog/sapling-a…

Coda will represent the largest, most sophisticated deployment of zk-SNARKs and the first #cryptocurrency with a succinct #blockchain.
Will collaborate in building the entertainment company's 'W1 Platform - The Hollywood #Blockchain'.
Jointly participating in many events, too, starting with this week's #AFM2018!

A full dev update will be published soon. Click through for the end-to-end implementation guide. notion.so/Protocol-Speci…
The EVMC is the low-level ABI between Ethereum Virtual Machines (EVMs) and #Ethereum Clients. Learn more here: ethereum.github.io/evmc/index.html
Numerous projects signed on as launch partners, find them all at wbtc.network! blog.bitgo.com/introducing-wb…
The team believes the new name more aptly reflects their project and its #blockchain-powered agricultural supply chain #software solution's vast applicability.
Per @LRettig, they hacked the #Bluetooth control of a connected dildo, published an open API, & put control on ETH mainnet as a statement re dangers of connected devices.