Here's our @OilChangeUS response, but I want to explain why this plan is so exciting & takes the discussion on dealing w/ climate crisis to the next level. 2/n

Each new oil well, gas pipeline, & export terminal makes the problem worse, & will need to be retired long before the end of its "useful life" (side note: we need new terminology). 4/n


Research shows if we don't phase down oil production & limit exports (ie, reinstate Crude Oil Export Ban lifted in 2015), we're still in deep trouble. 9/n
a) Limit the fossil fuel industry's expansion
b) End heavy subsidization from U.S. taxpayers
c) Phase out existing extraction w/ a just transition
isn't just "nice to have" policy. It must be a critical piece of any serious climate plan. 10/n
Pensions are cut, health benefits are slashed, layoffs skyrocket. 11/n
This 'Freedom from Fossil Fuels' plan means nothing w/o a strong agenda for heavy, sustained investment in social protections, thriving wages, & good, family-sustaining jobs. 13/n
It's not that we don't love clean energy (we do). It's b/c we also have to go directly after the industry to have a chance at success. 15/n
It's b/c if we don't have a plan to carefully dismantle the fossil fuel industry as we build a new world, things could turn ugly really, really quickly. 16/n
The 'Freedom from Fossil Fuels' plan stops new fossil fuel infrastructure, bans fossil fuel exports, ends fossil fuel subsidies, & commits to figuring out how to phase out existing infrastructure. 17/n
It puts key options such as "buying out & decommissioning fossil fuel assets," which is a conversation that we sorely need to be having. 18/n
Inslee's plan does a lot more than that, & honestly every climate policy wonk should read it cover-to-cover. 19/n
One of our biggest problems is that *not enough people are thinking about how to enact this phase-out.* It's scary & means confronting real power in scary ways. 20/n
a) To meet climate goals
b) To protect Indigenous rights & communities everywhere
c) To enact a truly just transition for workers
To sum up, this plan is awesome, but I hope ten better plans pop up in the next few months. We desperately need them. /END