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Mar 4th 2023
1/🧵 37 oil sands tailings ponds containing 1.4 TRILLION litres of waste have been a catastrophe waiting to happen for decades.

This story is the canary in the coal mine.

#oilsands #ABleg #YMM
2/A leak of industrial wastewater from @ImperialOil's Kearl oil sands plant 70 kms north of Fort McMurray on May 19, 2022. Imperial reported it to the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER).

Area includes muskeg, forested public lands, wildlife, and a "fish-bearing waterbody." Image
3/"...from June to August 2022, w/regulatory oversight from the AER, Imperial conducted a geochemistry study to determine the source and pathway of Release 1..." which contained "dissolved iron, total arsenic, F2 hydrocarbons, sulphate, total sulphide..."…
Read 28 tweets
Aug 14th 2022
1/A thread about the #Alberta #oilsands

Oil sands production forecast to grow 500,000 b/d by 2030

Did you know oil sands producers break evens are between $30 and $40 per barrel? That's a very profitable barrel at today's prices.
@KevinBirn @SPGlobal
2/Bitumen is now a competitive barrel. It can compete when prices fall.

2 important characteristics of the oil sands:
- very low decline rates over 30 to 50 years (unlike shale)
- low sustaining capital needed (also unlike shale)
#OOTT #energytwitter
3/Bitumen/ultra heavy crude competes in the 10.5 million b/d market, not the light sweet crude market.

Mexico ending 600,000 b/d heavy Maya exports to US Gulf Coast is huge for Alberta.

Already tight market likely to get much tighter.
Read 15 tweets
May 12th 2021
Having travellers quarantine would basically shut down fly-in-fly-out workers at oil camps like those owned by CNRL, which have been hubs of covid spread.

Oil and Gas doesn’t love you back.

Voting Conservative has consequences.

#ableg #cdnpoli
I wonder how the current #CNRL outbreak compares to earlier outbreaks at #Cargill and ther meat processing plants?👇

#CNRL received $192,648,603.55 from the federal government in CEWS benefits in 2020, but would not keep their workers safe.

Where did all that money go?

#BoycottUCPdonors #ableg #abpoli

Read 19 tweets
Mar 4th 2021
“I ❤️ Oil & Gas” is Alberta’s MAGA hat.

Never trust anyone who wears this logo.
The “I ❤️ Oil & Gas” brand is operated by @CanadaAction, which has deep ties to Conservatives in Alberta.

h/t @thenarwhalca…
The brand was launhed by Cody Battershill.

Likely with seed money from John Battershill, a chiropracteur who operates in Calgary, and drives an I ❤️ oil branded truck.…
Read 39 tweets
May 17th 2020
An interesting piece on Stelco… by @willis_andrew - the co says it plans to upgrade to become the “most efficient” steel producer in N. America. But I can’t find any details about what this means. This could be important #climateaction or a big 1/ #cdnpoli
@willis_andrew missed opportunity. The #oilsands & coal-fired power get the headlines, & dominate the top-15 emitting facilities (2018 data…) in Canada. But the 3 facilities from Ontario that crack the top-15 are steel producers, including Stelco. 2/
@willis_andrew “Green Steel” has been getting more attention around the world. Just last week a big study dropped in Australia… describing a multi-billion export opp creating 10s of 1000s of jobs w a pivot to steel produced using renewable (green) hydrogen. 3/
Read 6 tweets
Mar 5th 2020
"Lougheed's public investment in the #oilsands was far from support for an existing was a strategy that used the public wealth generated by the existing industry to unlock new and different resources in the province.” 1/ #ableg #cdnpoli…
This is a must-read by @S_HastingsSimon informed by her must-read research published last year:…
As a born & raised Albertan I believe the province can "get the lessons right” from Lougheed & successfully navigate the #energytransition 2/
@S_HastingsSimon Investing today’s resource wealth to unlock "production of the hydrogen that is abundant in the oilsands resource, or the critical metals and minerals found within the province like the lithium required for batteries” (amongst other opportunities) makes eminent sense. 3/
Read 4 tweets
Feb 24th 2020
Some context given Teck’s decision to withdraw the Frontier #oilsands mine. "As the IEA noted in a recent report, “no oil and gas company will be unaffected by clean energy transitions, so every part of the industry needs to consider how to respond.” 1/ #cdnpoli #energytransition
Companies like Shell, BP and Equinor are diversifying into energy companies, investing in solar and wind, batteries, hydrogen and electric vehicle charging. It’s also notable that each has withdrawn from Canada’s oilsands.… 2/
AB is home to a growing number of entrepreneurs focused on finding opportunity in the energy transition—mammals scurrying amongst the dinosaurs. Companies like E3 Metals and Summit Nanotech, which produce lithium destined for electric car batteries from oilfield wastewater. 3/
Read 6 tweets
Apr 17th 2019
Yesterday, Alberta premier-designate Jason Kenney suggested that Canadian energy is produced "at the highest environmental, human rights and labour standards on Earth." #abpoli #ableg /1
He also said he wants Alberta to "fight back" against people who "lie about how we produce energy" and to "tell the truth assertively." /2
Then he said Ottawa plans to impose new laws that "will make it impossible to get pipelines approved in the future." /3
Read 26 tweets
Apr 1st 2019
1/Thread: The Economic Forecast no one’s talking about in #Alberta #ABVote #ableg
2/ Every year, the Canadian Energy Research Institute publishes its annual Oil Sands Supply Cost study, often with meagre fanfare and media coverage. You can find their studies here:
3/ These #oilsands supply cost reports always included a forecast of bitumen royalty revenues, but in 2017 this specific chart was dropped from the annual report, probably because of market conditions. #ableg #abvote
Read 18 tweets
Nov 9th 2018
Got a seat right in the front at #CSPC2018 @sciencepolicy for the panel on #NextGenCanScience (science and the next generation) feat enablers of trainees getting involved in #scipol @ChiefSciCan @McGill_VPRI @katemoran Stacey Robinson and @DanWicklum
#CSPC2018 @ChiefSciCan mentions #Budget2018 reinvestments of 2.8B$ to create more collaborative infrastructure in govt labs and beyond. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to get things right and elevate Canada in science leadership 🙌
📣 All major equipment in federal labs will be part of a registry and be accessible to everyone ➡️ democratizing the infrastructure of #cdnsci - @ChiefSciCan #CSPC2018 @sciencepolicy
Read 37 tweets
Nov 1st 2018
Staggering, "mind-blowing" numbers emerge from a "flawed" regulator system in Alberta's oilpatch. The private estimates are now in the public realm following our joint investigation with @CJarvisGlobal @DavidBruser & @EmmaMci via @NatObserver #oilsands
“Even though we have known these programs were flawed, there has been no proactive change to the liability programs,” said the AER VP Robert Wadsworth in the newly-released presentation.
He said the $260 billion in estimated liabilities is “likely less than the actual cost.”
Read 15 tweets
Dec 30th 2017
THREAD: 1/ Alberta's Economy - How we got to now. #ableg #abgov #Alberta
2/ Forget your idealizations about Peter Lougheed. He was a great man. This story begins in the late 1990's with the Federal Liberals under Jean Chretien and his Minister of Natural Resources, Anne Mclennan.…
3/ Anne Mclellan (@DalChancellor) likely had a greater impact on the trajectory of Alberta's Economic prosperity than any other politician in history. OK, maybe we'll place her next to Saint Ralph Klein, God Rest His Soul.
Read 41 tweets

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