What do you show your prospects in your ads? The process? Or the Results?
If you're a fitness trainer and you show me a picture of a fat lady on a treadmill, you might have to do some more talking before I'll hire you.
So what do I want to see?
I want to see a photo of a lady who went from fat to skinny. Yes! I will do the process but don't rub it on my face.
The more you rub it on my face, the longer it will take
If you're selling food seasoning, show me a picture of a yummy- looking finished dish beside your seasoning.
If you sell make-up, show me a photo of a pretty lady wearing your amazing highlighters.
If you sell children's toys,
We humans love to relate to anything before we buy.
So when you give us a picture of what we'll get from your product, giving you our money becomes easier.
And that's it!!! Sell RESULTS
I think I'll be...
I haven't decided a date yet but I will definitely do that. And the ebook won't be up for a long time, only serious people will get it.
Details will be coming soon.
But for now,
P.S: still trying to set up the Free Ad Empire i promised.
It's time that's doing me ohh😩😩😂
But I'll definitely do it for the fam😇