Trish Malone  (she/her) Profile picture
There's no such thing as too late. That's why they invented death -Walter Matthau (Out to sea)
Sep 11, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
Hey all!
As you know from my previous comics posts regarding mum's ashes release:

And the followup:

It has happened.
She is out to sea.

– –
I thought about it, and while mum was pretty private, she did like broadening people's horizons.
Teach them about what could be.

You may or may not know @TheGoodDeath (Caitlin Doughty) or @OrderGoodDeath 's work.

They taught me about making a funeral more involved and

Mar 28, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
#dailysketch time!

At Christmas, a friend gave me silver markers, & i had no idea how/when to use them.

Then another friend pointed out, i could mark my binders so i wasn't constantly wonderin which way was up 😂

And now i want to tell u bout this binder
#filmnoir #NoirStory
- Image - lol to Twitter edit cut btw.
Anyhoo... Zee binder!

Is how i keep things straight (so to speak) with larger stories.

I can flip about and go... Wait... Who died? What was his name? Etc

It also helps me to get edit checks.
(You can see @mooncowhand s notes in margin there)

- Image
Aug 18, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
. @metheridge &all here with touchscreens

Right now, notice where your head is in space. Is it out forward over your chest, or is it more directly up and over your shoulders?
If not,then,as if someone pulled a thread from the top of your skullcap straight up...pullyour head up- -and put your head back direct over your shoulders.
Doing this a little each day will loosen your back muscles & arm muscles a bit. (might even help with pain)

I bet you're nearsighted & put your head down to the screen when you read, just like me.

Now, about those arms-
Aug 15, 2018 7 tweets 8 min read…
The #lightbulb went #BING!

#NKVSSP #webcomics #webcomicchat #comicbookhour #comics #Lefty #lefthanded #ouch #lessons #muscles #tendons #causes #effects #Posture #ninjakitty #massage #health #HealthAndWellness #KnowledgeIsPower #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #LOL And for my #visuallyimpaired folks, I will #type out the #text of that #image, down here. Cuz the data is #important. (one of these days I'll get all my comics done with text properly on the site)

Starts here: Hello, It's Trish Malone, creator of #NKVSSP and slightly hurty -
Aug 10, 2018 11 tweets 7 min read…

Due to #overuse (read, #trying to be what i #usedtobe, and #computing every day)

I must stop the majority of my right arm usage for a week. Maybe 2.


#NKVSSP #webcomics #webcomicchat #comicbookhour #Disability #kitteh #puppy #lefty #ouch I've been a bit #reluctant to talk about #issues

My #health is up & down, and I'm used to it.
I get around, or I lay down (laying down while typing right now)
&now that my forearm is burnin, I'll be doing this a little less as previously stated.

fine enough, but lets talk bout-
Jul 27, 2018 8 tweets 7 min read
Here we have the beginning of the #show!
Kinda hot, but the first cloud loomed (pretty!)
We set up behind the #drums in the back 😊

For those who've never been to #DenverBotanicalGardens , imagine the #stage at the center bottom of an inverse pyramid. Melissa Etheridge coming down the side ramp toward the stage!

This photo is bleached out cuz of the intense sun beating down on us (before the rest of the clouds would sweep across the sky)
Jul 23, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
I'm officially back online! woot!
& I've noticed something.

for someone who has reading difficulties, I do far better reading the news than watching it. (with a few caveats)

I start my morning by scanning twitter and FB.
trending names or story titles only.

THEN, research- -begins. Who said what? Who is reporting what? Which news source?

I'll check across a couple written sources, note which facts appear in those reports. (tones change all the time, but the base facts stay the same)

I try to stick to news I can do something about.

Jul 6, 2018 6 tweets 9 min read
Boppin about this evening & ran across this #article
Are you #Emotionally #Repressed?…
How do the kids say it nowadays? I feel #calledout?
I've gotten much better,but i can still recall a time when I thought the epitome of feeling good, was feeling nothing Seriously, if you're #reading down the #list going, "That's me, that's me, that's me, and oooooo is that EVER me!"

I'd definitely #recommend getting some #help with the matter.
It's taken years to be #comfortable in my own skin.
Years of breaking the old records in my head
Jun 17, 2018 4 tweets 4 min read
We are just shy of a full #Doctorwho #bingo board.
We have #riversong, #amypond, #rory, #osgoode, #donnaNoble #cyberman, #weepingangel, #k9, #dalek, spaceman(who turned out the lights) and doctors 1,4,7,9,10,11,12, and 13 ❤

If u got one that aint listed, drop on by g-2 #DCC 😂 Harkness! We've got #captain #jackHarkness 😊
Jun 8, 2018 4 tweets 3 min read…

My lovelies, the comic will be late.
I need to chase down #paperwork to keep my #life humming along, and they manifested with a super tight #deadline. cuz they do that sometimes.

#NKVSSP #ninjakitty #Puppy #webcomics #webcomicchat #comicbookhour The image here is the raw ink of a watercolour
It's a copy of the image on the back of my flag that I hang on my walker when I go to DCC, or NDK.

On the flag it reads "LOOK AT MY BUTT!" "And come see the comics on the other side!"

Folks have asked for a print (I'm gonna try)
May 31, 2018 17 tweets 13 min read
I got to explain #GayPanic and #UselessLesbian to my pysch today 😂

These are terms I just learned (over the last few months myself) that described succinctly, what the heck is going on with my brain.

To unpack these terms, I'm going to start you with Sappho.
- -
“Sweet mother, I cannot weave –
slender Aphrodite has overcome me
with longing for a girl.” –Sappho

To everyone, we've almost all been in this feeling. (i cannot speak for Ace)
Someone we see or meet, and their presence just #dazzles us into #malfunction (however brief)
