This is good as it allows me to do a tiny bit more housekeeping...
I post the transcript every evening on - go there for direct quotes.
Anthony de Garr Robinson QC for the Post Office is on his feet. He’ll be DG, judge is J, Horizon is H the Horizon Issues are numbered - so H1 etc (read them here…)
DG is saying that Jason Coyne (IT independent expert for the claimants - JC)’s expert report was unmanageably big and both experts reports were “interminable"
DG PG says robustness doesn’t really mean anything which is directly contradictory to the joint statement.
DG those numbers loom large in the key extent questions in the H issues. Instead he gave examples and he told little stories. He didn’t draw back and ask the question..
DG the claimants have done this exercise and have decided they would prefer your Lordship to look elsewhere. They have given you an impressionistic view with snippets.
DG this is all headline-grabbing stuff and it’s nothing to do with the H issues...
DG I want to focus on JC’s view on H1, 3, 4 and 6
DG in their submissions the claimants say RR was right. What they mean is that the RR in the witness statement drafted for him is right. But a very different RR...
DG to give us an edea of how far we’ve come, could your Lordship read paragraph 7, the last sentence of par 8
DG you’ll remember RR admitted his recollection was hazy of both the assertion Fujitsu (F) H support was under time pressure and that most of what he did was fixing errors.
DG his evidence has rather been overtaken by the KELS and PEAKS in this case which have...
JC also said no more than 30 occasions of relevant remote access and the chances of remote access affecting branch accounts were small. All consistent with RR’s...
A shortfall is something for which an SPM is held liable. A discrepancy doesn’t matter. I don’t wish to be quoted out of context, but if a discrepancy is resolved over the course of a month it is essentially of no consequence...
[to avoid confusion I am PARAPHRASING DG - not quoting him - so the above tweets are not quotes!]
DG let’s look at H3 - here there are two arguments being run for which there is no evidence...
DG in fact the claimants always seemed to have accepted that H is relatively robust. [quotes from opening] so they are toying with the meaning of robust in their opening and that relative robustness was accepted in their reply. That is the complete..
DG whether robustness has a meaning and what meaning it has is not in issue between the experts. JC says relatively robust is “performing well relative to...
DG it is worth noting other things JC agreed….
DG I asked if the concept of robustness is...
DG transactions should happen correctly and that lasting errors should be...
DG so he accepts concept and definition of robustness and we submit he has sufficient information to form a view of robustness on H.
DG now onto another part of H3 in which probability comes into play - DG calls this reading of H3...
DG their intention is to avoid their problem that with 3m branch accounts to look at - relatively speaking there were hardly any bug impacts and infinitely fewer remote access impacts. And that’s a problem for them. Their essential...
J I did not get involved in the drafting of H issues - I was given them and I approved them.
J but the point is they were agreed by both parties.
DG And your Lordship should not be distracted by last minute swerves into odd definitions.
[we move on]
DG back to the stories - the claimants are trying to speak quickly and pick out sentences eg the most extraordinary reliance...
[I think I have this doc somewhere when it came up earlier...
DG still reading from it: tech sits at the top of the wider business strategy set out in our five year plan - host retailers - tech is critical to improving our offer - smaller tech solutions - driving operational benefits…
DG the first benefit ID’d is to...
DG it IDs prolonged outages - the only problem identified in this entire paper relating to branches in this entire paper as far as I am aware.
DG still reading: there are tensions around the contract - F have a six...
DG I find this hard to read with the straight face but the management-speak wants to deliver an agile elastic service.
DG it goes on: H is at the end of its life and needs replacing...
DG so I ask forensically what this doc shows us about how good the H system is and its likelihood of creating false discrepancies. Nothing. it’s not about those...
This should be an analysis of the correct approach to H.
If docs like this (he waves the PO doc) do the claimants’ job why did we just spend 4 weeks at trial?
DG there’s a problem here tho...
[DG moves on to bugs]
DG the use of the term “lasting impact” in the joint statement [between the IT experts] the number is between 12 and 29. JC has agreed this. It is a joint statement. He means “not transient” - these are bugs not caught by some countermeasure.
DG claimants note joint statement 2 DW accepts there is evidence of lasting impact in 12 of 29 bugs - so they accept the term “lasting” so we don’t understand why they say that was a compromise...
DG as the evidence has come out. As JC’s evidence has come out the claimants want to backtrack. It’s a good examination of what xe can achieve. My submission...
and goes on to say total number...
p128 JC agrees his search processes are reliable and would have found the majority of bugs. Not many more to be found if he had more time to look.
DG you will also recall it’s possible to find the impact...
DG on this side of the court we believe that there were 545 - 550 branch impacts in very round numbers - so less than 20 impacts per bug. I would ask your lordship to bear that figure in mind.
[we break for 10 mins]
DG row A is mean number of branches 1999-2017
Row F is total number of claimed shortfalls...
Row L max number of KELs with impact on branch accounts. These estimates are based limited number of KELS. JC looked at 6,500 KELS. DW looked at 200 v carefully with various passes...
That’s to compare with DW estimate of 100 (central) and 200 (conservative). I would say DW’s view has been superseded by JC’s research. I would suggest that JC's view of lasting bugs is 30 and if you put that in the column...
Just for the sake of illustration of 44 bugs and multiplied by 20 [not sure where this comes from]
The claimants don’t like this. They’re happy to try to discredit DW, but they like this original sum of his. Now I am sure that PG liked it because it worked out as one bug per claimant and I’m sure if you’re a journalist, you’d...
DG these are just illustrations but they’re designed to give your Lordship a sense of the likelihood of a bug causing a discrepancy in...
[we move on to remote access]
A. Yes.”
DG this is not a second order issue it’s a 3rd order issue.
DG so where do we get to - if we multiplied this up with all the estimates in order to favour the likelihood is 1 or 2 in 3,000,000. Even JC accepted the chance of remote access adversely...
JC’s deep focus was on bugs and he found 29 with 800+ impacts
DW looked H architecture and countermeasures - he looked at testing and then he reviewed how the countermeasures had operated during...
DG that was the right thing to do. H is a massive system. If you don’t start by seeing how it is configured and if you don’t delve into the support system you’re likely to get a disorganised catalogue of problems. Which is what JC did.
He was criticised for scaling. Approximations are not mistakes. The important q is what precision is needed to arrive...
He did make mistakes, but all are small beer compared to the assumptions he made in the claimants favour.
DW is criticised because he didn’t consider Dalmellington bug or properly in his second. But he did.
[we move on to disclosure]
DG wrt our closing submissions -
1119. By the time the Horizon trial was ordered, it had already been ordered that there was to be no standard disclosure; and that Model C disclosure was to apply instead.
“...It is for the party requesting Extended Disclosure to show that what is sought is appropriate, reasonable and proportionate
[more on disclosure from the written closing:
"Mr Coyne made his own separate requests for information and documents and it is this separate stream of requests which has given rise to many of the ...
DG the claimants failed to pursue their claim. They sabotaged...
J notes his case law reference refers to a judge’s comment DURING a trial and wonders if DG is suggesting he has intervened during this trial.
DG says no - the par is simply the principle...
J I’m generally unimpressed with a party complaining about not reeiveing disclosure if they haven’t ...
But I don’t think I have made any comments during the trial.
DG you haven’t.
DG I addressed your Lordship on the standards the claimants were inappropriately seeking to impose on the Post Office - I’d like to compare that with the standards the claimants imposed...
DG is taking use through sections of closing statement about disclosure from the claimants’ side - "Post Office was therefore seeking to work with Cs to ensure that as far as possible all relevant disclosure for the Horizon Issues Trial ...
PG this is an example of the double standards they are applying to themselves and Post Office.
DG to cut a long story short the claimants refused to provide disclosure of evidence see 1198 "Cs responded to these requests on 27 March 2019 refusing to provide...
DG contrast the way the PO has gone about disclosure - a lot of PO disclosure...
DG It would be inappropriate for your Lordship to make findings about undetected bugs causing branch discrepancies based on lack of disclosure.
J it’s not in the H issues. and I’m trying the H issues
DG yes but you’re being invited to make...
J I will make findings on the H issues, but there will obviously be a lot of detail I will deal with beforehand. I am not going to make an individual finding on an individual case about an single bug in a branch
[DG takes him to a point in the claimants’ closing where it might be inferred he is being asked to do just that]
DG there’s an Alice in Wonderland quality to it and I am glad it isn’t going to be part of your thinking.
DG my submission is that you should reject it. It is not dealt with by JC other than to note it is broadly in line with his findings. These snapshots are so brief as to be meaningless.
DG the claimants are saying that PO hasn’t grasped what a discrepancy is. This is not true.
[we’re now looking at Bug 13 which was one of the ones brought up yesterday]
[Bug 13 is a rem out error]
DG this was a case where the SPM did not follow the correct procedure it is not a bug in withdrawn stock it is the SPM not remming out properly.
The SPM did not rem the stamps out.
DG phantom transactions is more complicated… these PEAKS are relied on with a view to casting doubt on a conclusion in those PEAKS. I xe’d JC on this and he had ONLY relied on the ROMEC engineer and I took him to the conclusions of Pat Carroll.
DG reads from PEAK notes which suggests there appears to be an issue with training and support not IT. There are no phantom transactions we have been able to identify and SPM says they’ve now stopped.
DG I’d have to take instruction - no? No my Lord…
J don’t worry I’m going to give you a list of three letter acronyms to clear up for me
DG I look forward to that
J I’m going to give it to you both so you won’t be the only one
DG first if I could deal with the criticism of Angela van den Bogerd (AB) over the crit by PG on the Helen Rose report which she partially accepted and which he makes a big deal of in his closing submissions
DG in AB’s WS she is not...
PG sorry to interrupt she agreed it was wrong
J alright
DG in par 35 of the claimants submissions there’s a criticism AB is relying on a document which hadn’t yet come into existence. She couldn’t explain that in xe. On instruction I can do so now - during prep for xe of Mr Patny so they requested it from PO...
DG criticism was made of Mr Johnson for not knowing the source of a screenshot in his WS. It does not matter where that screenshot...
DG another crit made of the claimants’ witnesses is of the xe of Mrs Burke. It was suggested...
J as I understand it F specify the control objectives and the auditors do what is specified in those paragraphs.
DG yes
DG there appears to be the intention to suggest E&Y are not doing a proper job. That’s not the case.
DG I don’t know what they are trying to suggest by this submission.
DG your Lordship might be exhausted by the number of misc statements and this is my final one
J I’m not remotely exhausted
DG maybe it’s just me.
J your way was not unconventional.
[DG ends his closing]
J just to be clear - insofar as where I go for a benchmark definition of robustness I intend to find it in your pleading - you define it in your pleadings...
J my private screen has stopped working
DG C3 tab 3 in the bundle
- like any other IT system H is not pefect but PO position remains its extremely robust and very unlikely that an error in it could cause a discrepancy in branches.
DG is that what you’re looking for?
DG par 16 is not a definition - a system that is robust is unlikely to cause discrepancies in branches - and the other things in that par. I would say it was what...
J I know - can I have a reference. When one is describing robustness in specific terms what is it? I don’t want a fresh definition.
DG it may be a in a number of documents
J that’s quite in order - but robustness will be defined quite...
DG I’d have to remind myself of what theirs is.
J well when I asked yesterday I don’t think I got one.
J right. that was supposed to be an easy one… okay let’s move on.
DG of course
J acronyms: RPOS, SIL, PON - what do they all mean.
DG they mean something like Retail Point of Sale...
J Mr Green?
PG just a couple of points of clarification - DG said the “double trouble” references he hadn’t seen before there are all the submissions
PG drafting of H1 and H3...
PG we can’t disaggregate at this stage whether £18.7m is bugs, errors etc
PG where DW said SSC was out of scope
PG history of KELs complaint
DG why is my friend… my submission on application processing - what was excluded from the services audit was the operation of H itself...
DG why has my friend referred to par f? Was there a relevance?
[this is all going v quickly]
[there’s an issue re the contract between Fujitsu and PO and what submissions might be needed about it]
DG if my lord is minded to make a...
J so if I’m going to do something material on that I will give you both the opportunity
J so as far as H issues other than the fact there’s a judgment to be written is that everything
DG my lord...
[we move on to 2019]
J dates are:
23 July CMC
18 Sep CMC
17 Oct PTC
4 Nov trial starts
this seems unrealistic
[not to be bleak about this but some claimants will die before this resolves]
J so by definition is that you want the stay lifted on that date
PO there’s discussion of a possible mediation
PG the parties solicitors have agreed the pleadings for the further issues trial be done with...
J I’m not going to order anything or ask you to agree anything now.
the further issues trial date on 4 Nov has to be vacated
the further issues trial will start on 2 March
Parties to seek to agree directions for further issues trial by noon on 21 July. Failing that there will be a CMC on 23 July.
18 Sep CMC stays.
[it is. judge rises. Horizon trial ends]
Wheels of justice and all that.
I’m going to find out exactly what the next trial is going to be on before all the lawyers disappear… “further issues" is a bit too vague.
This is a huge number of claimants. The issue of concealment is connected to limitation, as if important information was withheld..
Quite how all that is going to be wrapped up into one trial in March I have no idea. The advantage of choosing the lead claimants as stated is that they were four of the six lead claimants in the first trial so much of their...
I’ll write up the day on when I get a moment and I’ll post up the court transcript as soon as I get it. There will be a secret email too.
Have a lovely evening. I’ll be writing my report with one eye on the England match tonight so it will be a little late again. Ta-ra. Nick