
We are underway.
Please hashtag any comments #postofficetrial
"On analysis the way the Post Office has sought to adduce its own evidence is a one way ratchet"
and attempts to dismiss evidence from witnesses when it goes badly is unusual to say the least
"PO is asserting that if their own witnesses say Horizon (H) is not a good system then those witnesses are wrong.” this is astonishing.
PG what PO seeks to do is say for an error to be relevant it has to be...
We say our expert did not draw conclusions...
PG eg DW reformulates Horizon Issue 2 [H2] and then gives his...
The gloss of “in place of human support” speaks of a theme in DW’s report and the PO’s closings of changing the Horizon Issues...
PG there is another feature of the way the court defined it which DW “feathered” - there is a theme of reframing the issues in a way which makes it harder for the claimants to succeed upon them and makes it close to a situation...
PG eg with TC’s he acknwledges they are outside the process. he acknowledges that he knows nothing of business processes, but even without doc evidence a TC is issued he assumes it is.
PG “robustness” is the PO’s favourite issue and we agreed to it and it was ordered. Because PO wants to conflate “robust” with “extreme unlikeliness to cause shortfalls in branches” that is precisely why...
Judge; where do I go to to find your benchmark definition of robustness
PG we don’t have one
J: so you’re treating it as a summary term that concludes and consists of the second part of H3.
PG: yes - there has never been a moment where we say...
information and belief the Known Error Log is a ...
PG says given what they were disclosing then and what we know now - the effect of the H trial has been to disclose a huge amount of data which the PO was unwilling to reveal.
In our written opening: claimants first sought disclosure of KELs in 2016. We thought it was a problem management system...
PG PO said no, said they were irrelevant and cast doubt on their very existence. Then they said claimants were looking for the core audit log and then refused to...
PG I’m not going to take your Lordship through it "but there was a Nelsonian approach to the obvious relevance of the KEL" which we say was far from forthcoming and far from the claim that PO has been co-operative wrt disclosure.
J well the PO say that you haven’t made any complaint about particular disclosures not being complied with.
PG well the manner in which the PO has hung on to documents speaks for itself...
J where is it
PG I’ll get the reference
PG our point is - they have tried to repeatedly say the KELs are irrelevant and then they turn out to be almost the sole focus of DW’s report
PG we have a constant picture...
[PG going very heavy on lack of disclosure]
PG we’re about 2 years late in getting things from where we would have been had Post Office given the correct information. It’s been extremely unsatisfactory...
[PG is basically accusing the PO of hanging on to docs which could have helped the H trial get to the bottom of things]
PG then we had the email telling people to stop investigating the Dalmellington bug...
PG they also said Mr Rolls account of remote access was misleading when a) it wasn’t and b) he was right
PG the PO doesn’t like s drawing factual evidence from a handful of SPMs. We say this is a bad point to say the lease. Briefly: contrary to PO’s approach before trial 1, the PO did not try to strike out this evidence.
PG we had 9 witnesses of fact excluding mr membury [who was too ill to give...
[PG now listing how the SPM evidence forced the correction of some PO evidence during the trial]
PG PO would rather have a trial where staff could say what would and should have happened and the claimants would not be able to ...
PG evidence which is said not to have been challenged includes Mr Parker’s evidence on the APPSUP role - we didn’t cross-examine...
PG pointing out he had to challenge PO witness who wasn’t there...
PG the issue of surprise at TG’s evidence raised by the PO it keeps returning to in its closing… it ought not be surprised...
PG there’s no doubt that the evidence about bugs is going to be central to the testing of evidence in this trial. Mr Coyne (claimants IT expert) raised several issues with TG’s...
PG we say the crits of Mr Coyne (JC) are extremely unfair. He was trying to find out what had gone wrong and see what might have caused it.
PG says the PO decided that Gareth Jenkins (GJ) was a witness too many as they...
PG he has - but that’s not a reason not to call him either. there was correspondence about his availability… we note in a letter to PO that GJ is the authoritative source on many docs and mcuh of TG’s evidence relies on hearsay….
PG we get told that info is privileged. so our simple question is he available was not answered. we were told it was privileged so we assumed he was part of the shadow expert team. Turns out he wasn’t. We...
PG we put some documents to her on the basis that she could have been expected to review a source document before making a sworn statement about what should have happened...
It’s not fair to criticise us for showing her documents she hadn’t seen when it’s reasonable to think she might have sought to look at them before giving evidence.
Sorry Mr Roll is Richard Roll who was a witness for the claimants in this trial and...
[just going to reboot as Tweetdeck is dying]
He is still saying the PO’s excuses on late or non-disclosure don’t wash.
He moves on to Mr Jason Coyne (JC), the claimants’ independent IT expert.
PG the reality is M vdB...
PG it’s a wholesale attempt to discredit JC by saying his essential endeavor...
[PG takes us to that specific turn of phrase in the PO written closing]
PG in the PO closing...
DW relied on Mr Parker saying Mr Roll was wrong. But when Mr Parker said he agreed with Mr Roll he said he was confused and took no steps whatsoever to seek clarification.
PG the PO says DW says he was told to send his third report to the court. [this is the report that was not admitted and there is some controversy about it being sent direct to the judge]
PG this account is not identical to the account given to the court by PO
PG [goes to that WS] says here it was not prompted by PO or its lawyers, draft provided to Mr Coyne, it deals with DW’s email to the court...
PG so we’re now faced with a situation in which PO’s closing submissions say the word “told” could give the wrong impressions and in our submission if Post Office think DW’s evidence is...
[this is clearly a big legal deal]
[PG moves on to bugs]
PG PO has now done a full analysis of every single one of the 29 bugs covering 137 pages in their closing submission.
PG the way they break the 29 bugs down is that:
8 are not bugs at all
3 have no branch impact
9 had or potentially had only transient impact
9 caused or had potential to cause lasting impact, but were resolved.
On a correct construction of H1 there are 18 bugs meeting the H1 definition. Even on the PO analysis in its closing submissions.
So - starting with Bug 11...
So they say this is not a bug and that JC partially accepted this.
But you’ve got the FACT of an error notice being mistakenly issued, the assertion it’s not a bug when it plainly is.
Go back to what the PO say that it would be uncovered before a TC would be issued. There’s no evidence...
[PG moves on to Bug 12]
PG looks at KEL. It says "a bug in Horizon” has led to a duplicate remming in of stamps. This isn’t a bug, remember, but it says here “a bug”. Let’s look at the...
PG what we then find is that this is an example of problems found in a KEL which describes the code fix which has gone in.
[PG goes back into the PEAK]
PG have spoken to Gareth Jenkins re all this - going to find time to deal with this next week...
PG PO says it’s design feature in H or user error. This is the Old Isleworth ROMEC “error”. That’s a bold gloss.
PG noting it says “it has to be assumed problems were user related” was that the screen has been changed.
[PG goes to another PEAK on the same error]...
PG the only other option is to change the ISDN line as it is the old one, but this seems like an expensive route to go down when it may be user error.
Problem - sales appearing randomly even when nowhere near screen. One reason was a faulty cable.
PG this rather undermines that once you change the screen it has to be user error.
[judge rises for a short break]
(the article is here computerweekly.com/news/224008923…)
Jo had a problem with sums doubling when she was given helpline advice and then held liable.
and then PG reads: we are considering a investigation but have to consider whether this is a useful exercise
PG reads: although there...
PG addresses judge: you may remember Mr Dunks from Fujitsu was xe’d by Mr Miletic (from the claimants team).
Mr Dunks agrees. This is explored on par 219 of the claimants’ closing (I’ll try to find that in a bit but he’s going on to Jo Hamilton)
PG so PO knew about disputed discrepancies doubling were being complained about as far back as 2010.
PG so the doubling may seem surprising or implausible...
PG now turns to Second Sight report. The MD of 2nd Sight @WarmingtonRjw is sitting behind me in court.
PG turns to PEAK and says my Lord this is a slim selection of the doubling issues available to us.
PG - reads Regional Network Manager put £6K into the suspense account...
[that example was from 2000]
PG now to a new PEAK in 2003 - first page it shows "Darren from NBSC" says SPM is trying to reverse a rem but when reversed...
PG reads SPM confirmed all previous info - he remmed in £13K and traded in that stock unit in error so reversed all transactions and expected it to get to zero. It went to £27K!
PG so there was a fix for the original version of this bug, but it’s happened again and so a new fix is being...
[PG moves to Jan 2004 PEAK.]
PG reads: The RLM (regional line manager) has been through the cash account with the SPM and they keep doubling up. So this isn’t just the SPM - it’s the area manager.
PG reads: this results in a discrepancy...
PG reads on to later in the PEAK: this is a nasty problem as if cheques continue to be declared numbers keep doubling. Might be instances where it really...
PG moves to another bit of “double trouble” in April/May 2004 - reads: SPM balanced on Wed and noticed all balances on hand had doubled up.
PG goes to 2006 PEAK: problem appears to be related to smart post products, credit and debit figures appear...
PG reads on: in the 3 cases we’ve seen so far each RIPOSTE message has a credit attribute written before the value when it’s usually written at the end. We have tried to replicate, but can’t. Will keep trying.
PG moves on to PEAK in 2010: On 2nd March 2010 a clerk attempted to transfer out £4K. Due to a system problem it doubled on the transfer in to £8K so she had an instant £4K loss.
PG this is THE use of the transaction correction tool [PO say it has only been used once - now at last it has been revealed where]
PG then there’s a little bit of inight into SSC [Fujitsu..
PG reads on to note SSC staff are complaining there is too little information in the PEAk to grade the status of the priority. Further investigation and it notes “first request is failing and the second request is committing"
PG reads on: gone through the counter logs and DB dumps, let’s ...
PG reads on: so we can see the insert time stamp might have entered from two different requests. I have no doubt one was inserted by request ID - not sure how 2nd one happened.
PG moves on to a new PEAK: SPM states remmed in some currencies - doubled up on his counter. POL state this is a system issue.
PG reads on: there is further analysis that this was accepted into the branch because of a system problem.
PG moves on to the “Hucklecot” PEAK - there’s an office with a similar problem - office was dealing with discrepancy and so selected settlign centrally. Nothing happened. So they did it twice more. They now have a...
PG reads on: the solution we thought we had for Hucklcot didn’t work. we’ve now doubled the discrepancy.
PG so this is where they think they’ve fixed it and it hasn’t been fixed at all.
PG moves on to May 2018….
PG this is the less redacted version of the first one we got
PG reads there have been three reported incidences this week where sterling value of remittances has doubled when booked into branch...
PG moves on to next doc. refers to the date of an incident on 21 June 2019. Surpasses the doubling problem with a tripling...
and says he seems to be addressing a jury and not a judge.
PG says it may be uncomfortable to hear this
J as I’ve made clear this court does not go near cases outside its jurisdiction.
PG says he’s not.
J I have some questions
J there have been references to figures for accounting losses at around £18m - where does that come from
PG totted up from scheduled information provided by clients
[bit of to and fro about his massive loss which AvdB explained]
J so his evidence is not admissible
PG correct
J you have made submissions about mr Jenkins. There is a lot of law on how the court approaches matters in the absence of a witness.
PG we say it is less than satisfactory
J that’s a different point
PG it is.
I take the view that appendix ii of the defendant’s closing submission is v v useful. You, however have taken a view that some passages are at issue.
PG indeed
J so we have to grasp the nettle on how to address this. I don’t want anything...
J this judgment is not going to be out in the next two weeks - we are going...
J as a matter of fairness to both
J otherwise the only way I can do this is to go through all the evidence myself.
PG okay.
PG yes
J okay if there are any criminal proceedings underway as of today that does have some implications as to what has been said today and what is published and reported about it.
PO QC can I take instruction
J yes
PO QC my Lord there are no active Post Office prosecutions are happening now there are some investigations which may lead to jury trials but nothing is current
J my concern was if there were...
PO QC my lord, no
J in that case I am relaxed about what has been said over the last 40 minutes being reported unless either of you have any issues.
[neither QC does. J rises. Proceedings end. That’s it for claimants’ submissions]
I’ll be putting up a post on today’s proceedings later, plus the transcript and sending out a secret email too.
Tweet thread to come next!
Have a lovely evening.