A lot riding on that word "at"... /2
This chimes with recent @ShankerSingham1 Alternative Arrangements Report and @Policy_Exchange paper by Lord Bew, with foreword by Sir Graham Brady, of Brady Amendment fame /3

Their lives being sacrificed upon the altar of an "English" Brexit they didn't vote for. Not hard to see, given the history, how that goes down. /7
They argue that 'things change' and that 'nothing ever stays the same'.
True. But don't expect that to be accepted in Dublin or Derry. /8…

Anway...the point is that this is MILES from the Irish government's understanding of the commitment given in the 2017 Joint Report /10
No doubt others will argue different, bt I'm not sure that "at" is a get-out clause here.
Infrastructure = a border even if it's set back a few miles. /11
Anyway, the point is, if we're leaving SM/CU, then Ireland is getting a border, just a 'light touch' or 'technological' one. /12
Technology won't solve the issue. /13…?
If technology can't deliver an invisible border, the Irish govt can't sign up for it.
But if 'no deal' delivers a border anway, they're trapped? /14
It's a political fix, not a technical one. /15
It creates space for new arithmetic to emerge in Westminster.
It also gives time for Nothern Ireland devolved institutions to be stood up. /17
That's the argument for creating negotiating space, however hazy the logic.
To let gravity take hold.