Scientists and Drs have just discovered a means of checking your HIV status by yourself at the convenience of your home.
N/B: The results takes a very nervous long time, but the ease, privacy and simplicity is worth it 👇🏽

Having HIV is not the end of the world.
Being a virgin or that you trust yourself is not a guarantee that you are free
HIV is transmitted by other means apart from sex (Google for more)
So enough of talks, Let's do this👇🏽
Step 1: Buy two eggs. Clean ones of course.
Step 2: Wash your saucepan and dry it with a napkin.
Step 3: Break the two egg and pour their contents into a clean dish.
(Patiently continue below) 👇🏽
Step 5: Place the saucepan over fire and pour a little cooking oil in it.
Step 6: Pour the mixture into the boiling oil.
Step 7: Turn it properly when it hardens.
In 5 mins, your fried egg is ready.👇🏽
Since you can’t know, please go to a professional!
Thank you for reading.
When did I tell you that I was a Herbalist? You want to chop your egg and have it abi?
And you know fully well that I am #DrZobo.
Paraphrased from a WhatsApp BC I got 😜