0.5°C safety
1°C irreversible feedbacks (now)
1.5°C a dangerous world
2°C an extremely dangerous world
2.5°C moving towards Hell
3°C horror
3.5°C death of organised society
4°C human survival in doubt
5°C likely extinction
6°C our current trajectory
Climate 'change'.
Temperature rise explained below...
Governments ignored scientists saying that 1°C was too risky in 1990.

See this thread for how temperature rise will play out + info on the current 1.3°C increase. 🔥
All species are now Critically Endangered, as we head rapidly into a hostile climate in which humans, animals, trees and plants will struggle to survive.
Looks like we hit 1.5°C before 2029.
There's no longer any chance of staying below 2°C, which is the threshold between dangerous & extremely dangerous climate change.
See (1) here:
And (2) here:
And (3) here:
(remembering that we could well hit over 3°C by 2029..⚠️ )
2020s - calamity Thread (1)
2020s - calamity Thread (2)
'There is now little to no chance of maintaining the rise in global mean surface temperature at below 2°C...the threshold between dangerous and extremely dangerous climate change.'

This is an almost unthinkable horror.
Can we avoid 3°C this century? Can we even avoid 3°C before 2029?
"business as usual, even for another ten years, could lock in changes that put global society at risk and threaten possibly hundreds of millions to billions of lives. Not instant death, but a very unpleasant future for a very long time." newshub.co.nz/home/world/201…
This is tough to accept but is a distinct possibility.
Though 3.5°C by 2030 is almost unthinkable, peer-reviewed science (along with accelerating emissions and terrifying feedbacks) says it's possible.
See thread:👇
According to this study, moderate emissions reductions would still lead to catastrophic conditions - 2.5°C warmer - by 2040.
'Alligators basking off the English coast; a vast Brazilian desert; the mythical lost cities of Saigon, New Orleans, Venice and Mumbai; and 90 per cent of humanity vanished. Welcome to the world warmed by 4 °C.'

'..quibbling over whether climate change will kill millions or billions is a silly waste of time when, in either case, we urgently need to act. But from another perspective, the difference is deeply significant'
"you just don’t want to think about the consequences of that for the whole planet. It would mean that we as a species and many parts of the Earth’s systems would be under serious threat...”
Worth recalling that this Industrial 'Civilisation' of corporate capitalism is causing the 6th Mass Extinction. 1000s of species may well be going extinct every month.
Listen here:
Emissions have accelerated to record levels since then.
It is predicted that 2019 will see this extinction-threatening trend get even worse.⚠️🔥independent.co.uk/environment/cl…
This is now a grotesque predicament, but that doesn't mean we do nothing.
Climate justice for billions in the Global South is critical. Follow @waronwant to learn more.
And see suggestions in the following threads for action to take:👇
This is a political question.
This is a philosophical question.
How do I solve this problem?
I can't.
It's not a problem it's a predicament.
But I can, and must, act.
Get stuck in. Read and RT to help inform yourself and others. That is one of the most important things anyone can do.
Thanks for reading. Here's a video on hope.
(can't help but think of this staggering prediction if ever I'm concerned that the info I present is extreme)
By 2030, under a business-as-usual scenario, Pliocene-like conditions become the closest match for most land areas, according to the study.'
That's clear.