1. Preservation of Religion (e.g. preventing the mockery of religion or insult of prophets.)
2. Preservation of life (e.g. punishments for crimes that are a real deterrent, & thus preventive)
4. Protection of property & wealth (e.g. no usurious (interest) dealings which destroy the wealth of the less well off)
5. Preservation of intellect (e.g. no intoxicants)
1. Debase religion (through mocking God, His Prophets & preventing religiosity, promoting the worship of desires)...
3. Debase lineage (e.g. through a promiscuous/gender confused society where people don't know who their parents are.)...
5. Debase the intellect (through the proliferation of intoxicants and addictions)....how can such a civilisation thrive? It is committing suicide.