In this episode we will delve into @RepLeeZeldin @leezeldin and his amazing run of #FelonPhotoOps.
Short of a visit to Rikers, how does a man end up being photographed with so many fraudsters, felons & the newly indicted?
Ed just finished serving 2 years for his conviction on wire fraud & theft of government services.
Ed liked to play golf, gamble and politick while ‘working’ his job as corrections officer.
@RepLeeZeldin was Walsh’s protege:

@leezeldin’s mentor ladies and gentlemen!…
Another early @RepLeeZeldin @leezeldin mentor Dean Skelos.
Dean was convicted in 2018 for the 2nd time on bribery, extortion and conspiracy.
He is currently serving a four year, three month sentence.

The three month sentencing tack on resulted from Dean committing perjury during testimony.
Mendacity Level: Expert.…
Former Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano.
Ed was convicted of bribery, wire fraud and conspiracy to obstruct justice in March 2019.
He faces up to 20 years in prison.
He will be sentenced in October.

Corruption sandwich anyone?

We cannot call these two #FelonPhotoOps because the cases are still pending, so we will call them #DefendantPhotoOps with @RepLeeZeldin @leezeldin.
The DOJ charged Chris w/
conspiracy, securities fraud, wire fraud & making false statements related to insider trading.
Chris conducted an element of his fraud from the White House lawn. Allegedly.
Duncan & his wife used his campaign account as a personal piggy bank to fund travel, booze runs & extramarital affairs.
Stay Classy!

So freaking AWESOME!
Your DOJ complaint ladies and gentlemen.…
Minnie Mouse ear headbands,
Star Wars droid knit beanie,
airline travel charges for the family’s pet rabbit,
room service,
$600 minibar tab,
Even when he leaves the US, graft and corruption is never too far from @RepLeeZeldin @leezeldin.
We offer thusly, Sara and Bibi Netanyahu ladies and gentlemen!

Final ruling is set for November 17.……
@RepLeeZeldin @leezeldin associate @rudy_sunderman has been arrested & charged with five felony counts of perjury and misdemeanor ethics charges.
@Newsday @NewsdayOpinion has called for Rudy’s resignation.
Your karmic #IndictedPhotoOp.

He is just the man for the job!
If the job is signing your own graft checks. Allegedly.
Any comment from #FilthyLucreCampaign HQ @katievincentz?

Does @BrookhavenGOP have his number on speed dial?
Are you going to @rudy_sunderman’s brunch this Sunday @RepLeeZeldin @leezeldin?
It is at the dance studio where he used fraudulently obtained $$ to pay for his daughter’s dance lessons.

We are filing these under #PendingIndictmentPhotoOp
We give you Donald John Trump, Individual 1, who directed the commission of two Federal felonies relating to hush money payouts to a porn actress and @Playboy model.

Odds favor at least one of these probes finding criminal conduct & bringing forth indictments #PendingIndictmentPhotoOp
Thumbs up dude!

2 #FelonPhotoOp
Ed Walsh
Dean Skelos
2 #ConvictPhotoOp
Ed Mangano
Sara Netanyahu
3 #IndictedPhotoOp
@RepChrisCollins @CollinsNY27
2 #PendingIndictmentPhotoOp
Donald John Trump
Bibi Netanyahu
They shake a lot of hands and pose for a ton of photos at any time one could find themselves standing next to a bad headline.
We get it.
Here is what is problematic about @RepLeeZeldin @leezeldin & these #FelonPhotoOps:
“Once elected or in power I can conduct myself however I wish.”
Something is rotten in the state of the @GOP.
No one admits the party is failing its constituency.
No one issues a public call for reform of the party & the way it conducts the people’s business.
No one can be bothered to speak on the issue let alone to act.
He has been witness to malfeasance from local office to the highest office in the land & he has benefited from the illegal acts & ethical lapses of others.
He never speaks up.
He never acts.
He never returns donations.
More later. Sadly.