"Adversarial Examples for Evaluating Reading Comprehension Systems" Jia and liang 2017

Robust Machine Comprehension Models via Adversarial Training (NAACL2018 short)
i.e. reducing Multi-hop into Single hop QA
Again solution: adv examples using what it seems to be rule-based semantic distractors.
(Jiang et al. 2019)
(Niu and Bansal CoNLL 2018)
The responses of dialogue models change with small perturbations in the input words.
Solutions: Rule based generation of adv. examples and paraphrasing.

This paper is looking into if the high performance of models is attributed to focusing only on lexical information or also compositionality.
"Analysing compositionality sensitivity"

LMS to select examples from existing evaluation to create stronger evaluation dataset.
#rep4nlp #ACL2019nlp

Summary of key Mohit's talk in #rep4nlp #ACL2019nlp points here 👆👆👆👆