"On 5 November 1991, Maxwell was last in contact with the crew of his yacht, the Lady Ghislaine, at 4:25 a.m. local time, but was found to be missing later in the morning. Maxwell was presumed to have fallen overboard from the vessel, which was..
We really need to get to the bottom of this and then the dominos really fall.
"One was the hidden source of his wealth—he claimed he’d fueled a lifestyle of vast homes, a private jet, and endless travel by managing the money of billionaires and taking a commission, a story that no one I spoke to believed."
"His social profile began to improve in 1996 upon meeting the financier Jeffrey Epstein through Lynn Forester de Rothschild, a Martha’s Vineyard friend."

"Maxwell wants the case to remain sealed and earlier tried to get the judge to destroy the sealed documents, but her motion was denied earlier this week."
Apparently Acosta claimed Epstein "belonged to intelligence" and was told to back off.
It's all making sense now.

"I would hesitate to take this reporting as fact." and "I can't address it directly because of our guidelines."
An intentional non-answer.
Also, he is creepy af.
"The Manhattan DA’s office had graphic and detailed evidence of pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s depravity when a prosecutor inexplicably argued for leniency during his 2011 sex offender registry hearing, The Post has learned."
Wexner is also the guy who bought Epstein's NYC mansion and then just gave it to him.


- "According to a Vanity Fair source, Wexner trusted Epstein’s instincts so much, he assigned him the power of fiduciary over all of his private trusts and foundations."
- "Epstein even took the place of Wexner’s ailing mother on the board of the Wexner Foundation in 1992."
What does it mean to be the mentor of a professional pedophile and blackmail artist? I'm curious.

"Epstein was deep into legal trouble when he cut a deal near his private Caribbean island with a titan of New York real estate, Andrew Farkas."

Either way, they should have zero power or influence in any aspect of society.

"Jeffrey Epstein Visited Clinton White House Multiple Times in Early ’90s"
Don't forget Lynn Forester de Rothschild also introduced Epstein to Dershowitz. Why is this woman so obsessed with Jeffrey Epstein? It's weird.
It appears he was the guy who got Epstein in front of many of the scientists. Probably worth digging deeper.

I've been talking about this for a couple of weeks. Leon Black is a billionaire at the helm of private equity firm Apollo Global Management.
VERY good question.
- He was not monitored by guards who were supposed to check on him every 30 minutes.
- His cell mate had been transferred out at the time of suicide, which violated Metropolitan Correctional Center’s standard protocol.
See below.
"He was chairman of the House Select Committee on Assassinations' Forensic Pathology Panel that investigated the assassination of John F. Kennedy."
I think they're just toying with us now.
h/t @DowdEdward

"Her current whereabouts are unknown."
How about somebody find her.

GREAT question.

Oh. Ok. 🤷♂️
Oh sorry, we had a barista guarding the most high profile prisoner in the U.S.
Imagine taking this story at face value.

- Guards were supposed to check on Epstein every 30 minutes but didn't.
- One guard wasn't a corrections officer.
- His cell mate was transferred hours before his death, but conveniently a bunkbed was there for a hanging.
What a country.
"She claims his cell was regularly left unlocked and she saw him move freely through the dormitory area – sometimes completely naked – without repercussions."
Not a joke.

The blackmail they collected is probably way more extensive that we can imagine.

She was also allegedly Epstein’s madam, and oh, her father Robert Maxwell was a Mossad super spy.
Only a "conspiracy theorist" would find this bizarre.
"She's been hiding out at a secluded $3M oceanfront property in Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts owned by her tech CEO boyfriend Scott Borgerson."
If you haven't read this article, read it:
"Among the bones broken in Epstein’s neck was the hyoid bone. Such breaks can occur in those who hang themselves, particularly if they are older...But they are more common in victims of homicide by strangulation, the experts said."
This isn't funny. Not funny at all.

Hmmm sound familiar?
“She's taunting the spooks and DOJ because she has the ability to pull the trip wires and release everything.”
It's ok, Barr will get to the bottom of it (no he won't)
You can't make this stuff up.
Oh. This seems normal.
Guy is suicidal, attempts a suicide and then is suddenly not suicidal a week later? I don't think that's how this works.
1) If the first incident really was a suicide attempt, it's ludicrous to take him off watch a week later.
2) If the first incident was an attack, then the second incident was probably also an attack.
You don't need to be a genius to get this.
@_whitneywebb discusses this angle and much more in this excellent interview.

Aw, poor Jeffrey. Nice work Palm Beach.

He did this while "in jail." Who knows what he was really doing, was he raping children?
Nice work Palm Beach.

"29% of American adults believe Epstein committed suicide. 42% think he was murdered."
Silly plebs and their conspiracy theories.
Hmmm, perhaps such a stunning failure to follow instructions may have happened for a reason. But here we are more than a week later with more questions than answers and the @fbi can't be bothered to find Ghislaine Maxwell.
It's only perplexing if you go into it assuming it's a suicide, which nobody with a brain is doing. It's not at all perplexing if you think he was murdered.
The mass media tends to protect the rich and powerful, rather than investigate and call them out.
"We have two independent sources confirming Jeffrey Epstein worked for Israeli military intelligence."
"The footage is considered critical to those inquiries, and the revelation of an unusable recording is yet another of the apparent failures inside the MCC."
As I've been saying, this is a giant middle finger in the face of humanity.
"Epstein, a well-connected financier, had been charged in early July..."
There is NO evidence he was a financier. Why does the mass media keep repeating this when nobody knows how he earned any money outside of Leslie Wexner?
Read this:

This would be almost comical if it wasn’t so infuriating.
Currently reading Part 4 of this mind-blowing series: