What use is a local ISP that discards its users email and other data on a whim? I called your corporate headquarters about this, you said you'd look into this, and nothing ever happened.
He had the nerve to tell me that he was trying to "help me."
Does anybody really need more of those?
If a company did that with any other kind of property it was being paid to store, that would be called "larceny" and prison time would follow.
But apparently, one is. Not much I can do about that.
What kind of people are you? Who would do a thing like that?
Yes, I called your corporate office. I got what I guess is the usual handholding, but that is not enough.
"Would that be my empty account" I asked him.
"Oh," he said, suddenly realizing how little leverage he had left himself with.
"Yeah." I said.
Hard to believe this woman is well into middle age.
A year later, no such thing has happened.
A year later, the same people are working in the same office. After screwing over a customer.
All you guys seem to do is bullshit customers and collect payment for services not rendered.
I have yet to see AT & T chuck my data, and then tell me to be happy about that or else, the way Netsource did.
You're probably thinking "yeah, we fucked this guy over, but LOL, who is ever going to know about it."
The equivalent of the population of Cincinnati in the first few months.
No, I'm not a big name, but I'm big enough that I can already put a true and outrageous story into circulation, and get it to go far and wide - and this was sick and outrageous.
A quirk in the badly written laws governing your industry is the only reason you haven't been sued and your employees haven't been arrested. This was not OK.
I'll tell the story. I'll tell the whole story. If you want to do more than just handhold after this, that will be part of the story. If I find out about it, I'll mention it.
Not going to happen.
At a time when reasonable, responsible, highly skilled people in IT are pounding the pavement for years, what are you going to say?
No. If you keep this guy on your payroll after what he did, you're as bad as he is. There has to be some kind of personal accountability for personal actions.
I'm done playing with you. You asked me to be patient, and I was, patient beyond reason, but enough is enough.
No more excuses. No more delays. No more bullshit. Or there are going to be financial consequences. Count on it.
I'll see to it.
a local ISP based out of Naperville, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago.
and I'm sure they'll be happy to set you up, in every sense. Tell them that Joe sent you.