Charity vs. tzedakah, or acting out of compassion rather than acting out of obligation. (1/x)
Like you see someone in need, you feel compassion for them, and overflowing with goodness, you choose to help.
I've had that experience a few times. It feels SO good.
I wasn't looking at that family and feeling sympathy and thinking about oh, how good that I can help them.
I didn't have a cheerful heart. If that were what makes me stop to help, I'd hardly ever do it.
It's not their fault they're homeless. It's OUR fault.
And I don't help because I am a good person. I help because it's fucking WRONG that anyone's walking around desperate for shelter.
I help because there's someone in front of me being subjected to a great injustice and we're responsible for each other.
I'd probably help once or twice a year.
It doesn't matter what you're feeling. Actions matter. You don't have to enjoy it, be grateful for the opportunity, whatever. We're responsible for each other, the end, feel whatever you feel.