"It's the video games." No, people around the world play the same games (= or more in Japan), & they don't have the same problem...
"It's bc they took God out of school or teach evolution!" No. Other nations we compare ourselves to are less religious than we are (less church attendance, no prayer in school, definitely teach evolution, without hesitation), but don't have this problem...
"It's because of mental illness!" Perhaps in certain cases, yes, but there is no inherent reason why there would be more mental illness of the type that can cause violence in the U.S. versus other places...
"It's really because we have a culture of death and a disrespect for life ever since abortion was made legal!"
So much wrong here...
a. Other nations that have legal abortion do not have this problem...
b. Many of the mass shootings involve misogynists who despise women. They haven't been taught to devalue life by pro-choice folks but apparently devalue women's lives and rights, much as the anti-abortion folks do...
c. Overall violent crime has actually fallen dramatically during the period of legal abortion. There are about 1/2 as many violent crimes, numerically, and per capita, today as there were in 1973, for instance, according to DOJ data...
"It's the diversity!" No, again...
a. Violent crime rates aren't that much higher here than in other nations including less diverse ones (Zimring and Hawkins). It's lethal violence that is much higher...why?
b. ...it's bc of weapon availability & conditions specifically correlated w/ homicide (economic inequality, crowded housing, etc)...urbanicity alone (holding race constant) explains over 1/2 the difference in homicide btw US and others..
c. When it comes to these mass PUBLIC shootings (disproportionately a US problem), about 70% are done by white men (over 3/4 of the mass shootings at schools), so it's not people of color driving this...
d. Violent crime has been dropping during the period of increased immigration from the "global south," and the browning of America. As the nation has gotten less white crime rates have plummeted.
e. You can't blame rap music or hip hop culture: during the period of hip-hop's dramatic rise to prominence violent crime has plummeted by about 2/3 (1992-present)...
"It's the single parent homes!" No...
a. first off, it's simply not true that most of the mass public shooters have come from such homes...
b. Even if they did, what's the causation? With regular violent crime two parents might help (just bc less economic stress correlates with less crime) but how is that related to MASS public violence?
c. Those most likely to grow up in single parent homes (black folk) are not mostly doing these shootings & black girls/women who grew up in same homes don't do these at all. And as % of black kids born to single moms rose, black crime rate dropped by over half...
d. Even if single parent homes are correlated with this somehow, what is the answer? Don't allow people to get divorced? So, the boys would be better off in dysfunctional, possibly violent/volatile home environments?...
e. ...just shame people into not having kids before they're married? What suggests that would work? How does a focus on single parenthood help solve this problem at all? Perhaps provide economic support to help families form and remain stable then?