There r so many flood incidents this year. One big problem s that we haven't mapped flood plains yet. Many crucial infra (road, railway) are built in flood plains with less care
Kabini Flood simulation shown here
FYI @PrinSciAdvGoI
Like #MahalaxmiExpress case, Kabini takes a sharp bend n a highway is present in flood plains
Map shows Kabini river's path near Nanjangud (flood sim. was done for this)

Most of the flooded areas were farms
But two sections of the flooded areas have highways n builtup area in them (marked in red)
Data @CopernicusEU @sentinel_hub

These article describes them from ground
Roads across India often act as water barriers n lack enough culverts to transport water between land tracts aggrevating situations

We should create #NationalFloodPlainAtlas for India. This flood prob map should be used by planners, developers to avoid constructing(or prepared for) in critical areas. Insurers n fin inst can use them to avoid funding risky ones
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@PrinSciAdvGoI @PrinSciAdvOff