@Joi never bothered to finish his college degree, but he was put in charge of MIT's Media Lab.
I'm sorry, but there should be a few standards for heading a university department:
1) have a degree
2) don't have longstanding relationships with pedophiles

It shows that you don't think you're subject to the same rules as everyone else.
Anyone who has a relationship with a serial predator either is not perceptive or is tolerant of that behaviour.
After that person is convicted of said behaviour, and you choose to continue to engage with them and to elevate their profile in ANY way,
YOU are just as responsible for any abuse that occurs from that point forward as they are.
YOU help it happen.
- not calling their judgement into question,
- not calling for them to take a leave of absence while things are investigated at MINIMUM
And please, read this carefully:
Jeffrey Epstein continued to recruit women to recruit "girls" for him to abuse while Joi Ito took his money.
Epstein brought one of his recruiters to MIT, WHILE Epstein was on parole.
but he BOUGHT an 11 year old girl that was kidnapped from Connecticut in 1993 when her mother couldn't pay the ransom
knowing that has been in the public sphere for 3yrs:
Even if - no - ESPECIALLY IF you don't know the depth of all of the details of their involvement before you sign.
you wouldn't have signed that letter.
Unless you signed the letter as Ito's "friend," which carries a whole NEW slew of issues.
Because DAMN THE TORPEDOES, FULL STEAM AHEAD and you need that injection of cash to GO GO GO.
victims are NOT important people.
Sure, what happened to you sucks, but WE'RE MOVING ON.
Don't be so negative. PROGRESS!
you enabled the perpetuation of that.
And that exclusion through inclusion of predators is what makes the system GO GO GO!
You're culpable.
You can't be trusted.
There will not be any sympathy for you in the short term.
You want to keep your seat at the table?
Prove that you understand what you have done.
Use your brain to formulate first an understanding of the impact of your behaviour - you know how long you knew Epstein was there for: figure out the percentage of culpability you need to own: how many victims were ignored because HE FUNDS SCIENCE
wherever predators are in power.
More importantly, model what approach(es) will help to eradicate the unhealthy academic culture of sticking by your guy, so we can secure resources to make that change happen
thanks to the social capital you extended, predators like Epstein were able to rape a 14yo girl for, say, 7 minutes.
We'll do it for you.
And you will not be welcome to engage with students in the vaulted halls of academia, nor the marble halls of governance.
We will strip you of your power.
We will strip you of your privilege.
Those who have promoted you in the past will know that continuing to do so now will be at a cost to their own position.
As it should be.
the capacity to exhibit subject matter expertise, AND
the legitimacy to wield the power over others based on the merits of their work, not on androcentric patronage schemes.
To those who can be trusted by ALL students and citizens to honor the principle of "first, do no harm."
And bank accounts.
You can have that, or you can have respect.
Shut up.
Stay off social media. Sorry, but the value of your 'expertise' right about now is nil.
It only serves to show that you're going on about your business as usual, while your judgement has been shown to be shite.
Write out what you knew and when. Who lied to you, and what you overlooked. How much financial/promotional support you secured through Epstein, knowingly or unknowingly...
Make the same queries of those you've collaborated with.
So please, get to it.