… #Scala3…
* effect type indirection
* program to interfaces which leads to testability (with a nice example)
* effect parametric reasoning…
(But can any programming language provide one?)…
Colgebras help model state, and processes.
An early article that shows this with a bank account example, with equations on state…

"cofree constructions are 'best' restrictions, like free constructions are best extensions".
As #Scala combines FP and OO, one has to know of algebras and coalgebras.…

But, as object oriented programmers we use cofree constructions all the time when we extend subclasses with new methods and attributes. #Java #Scala
OO folks you are doing CT everyday too :-)
#Java #Scala

* The Forgetful Functor between a class C and its superclass S (qua coalgebras) has as right adjoint the coFree Functor that takes any implementation of S to the minimal one in C.