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Mar 27th 2023
My trip to a Christian Market
#PublicSchool #Report
By Shlomit Ben David, age 10

Last week my family and me visited New York, where many Christians live.

My dad asked if I wanted to visit a #Christian #ethnic #neighborhood and I said yes because I am very interested in all #different #cultures. In the Christian neighborhood there were special places for Christian people to enjoy.

I saw treyf restaurants, Christian shuls, Christaica shops, and even a special #Christian #market where they buy their special treyf food. I asked if we can go into the market and my dad said yes.

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Nov 11th 2022
Heavy bags filled with books, hundreds of students in uniform, every hour accounted for, punishments etc.
Back then, there was no option but to attend school even if you did not want to. But these #uniqueschools in India will surely make you want to return to school>>>⁠
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Nov 3rd 2022
#Stitch Puncture .


Stitch effect is a rare complication where the needle pierces the intrapericardial space from the right atrial side and re-enter the left atria

•Alignment of IAS with reference to RA and LA is key a determinant

•Normally RA & LA Roofs lie in same plane & IAS makes their common wall

•In MS LA can outgrow RA , bringing superior aspect of LA in a different plane with reference to IAS
•The IAS puncture site may overshoot , enter the pericardial space and stitches the non IAS aspect of RA and LA together ,

& Entry into LA occurs through a false pericardial track
Read 10 tweets
Apr 5th 2022
@euphoniYum @spriter99880 1/3. There is a #Power called "#Evolution" and the #Survival of the best "#Fit".
To #Unite many #Different views into 1 and giving up one's OWN desires for that of the GROUP, Homo Sapiens Sapiens developed #DNA-caused "#Group #Thinking", to change from #Many views to #ONE.
@euphoniYum @spriter99880 2/3. >>But these #Genetics are #Predictable and can be #Manipulated by the #Few.
Mass-Psychologists, in #Think #Tanks of the ruling class in the West, Oligarchs, developed "#NLP" or "#Neuro-#Linguistic #Programming", known as "Marketing", Brain Washing and yes... Propaganda.
@euphoniYum @spriter99880 3/3. >>Key is the presence of "#Fear", "#Uncertainty" & "#Chaos".
An article about this Geopolitical tool used by the #Empire from #SouthFront, blocked by Twitter.
The URL is in the top of the page. That will work.
scroll👇1st page
SouthFront👉👈via Archive
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Mar 31st 2022
The Black Conservative: A black conservative journalist responds to David Horowitz's article, "Ten Reasons Why #Reparations for #Slavery is a Bad Idea and Racist Too".…
There Go Crazy Miss Daisy.

"Why y'all Blacks complaining 'bout slavery, now? The cotton has been picked and sold, we got iPhones now, and economies running on full speed; y'all should've asked for reparations - during slavey -- or at least during Jim Crow?"
A Black Libertarian view on reparations for centuries of slavery -- free labor

The Case Against Reparations

"America owes black people more than it has given—but reparations aren’t the answer."…
Read 4 tweets
Jun 14th 2021
It's a beautiful day to start!@IWS_Network .
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my #story and hope I can do the justice of being part of #IWSVoices
Stay tuned to hear my story!! feel free to pop a question for me!!
#IWS #WomenInSTEM #VoicesIWS #AgriTech #WomeninAg
Hello #Monday!
I would like to re-introduce myself!👩‍🌾 An #agribusiness marketing specialist with experience in leading corporate marketing and internal communication for various #agritech platforms.
💪My journey hasn't been easy but it's worth it."
@IWS_Network On the 74th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar, I landed on earth🐣; Born to two #progressive thinkers, a Malayalee by heart but brought up in the milk city of India- #Anand.
Who does'nt love #Amul?? Miss it🍫🍧🍨
#VoiceIWS #WomenInStem @IWS_Network Image
Read 35 tweets
May 30th 2021
“A Tedious Explanation of #Cannabis #Oilpens” - PART TWO starts here! You can find PART ONE here:

We are continuing our look into #hybrid #oilpen #systems:
16. Jupiter Research: I can’t quite figure out where @we_are_jupiter ends and @CCELLofficial begins. These two companies are very inter-related. The company founders helped develop the #CCell heating technology. They then brought over #CCell products to the US beginning in 2016.
They also create 510 carts, and offer several pod-based systems. There’s the #Liquid #Que - their first pod system that uses a magnetic snap-in pod with ceramic heating. There’s the #Jupiter #Liquid9 with a unique 9-sided design and pod with a built in “septum”. ImageImage
Read 25 tweets
Oct 9th 2019
Our #TeVirtualEvent with @aliceheiman starts in 10 minutes! Learn how to get into an #entrepreneurial mindset - join us here:…
@aliceheiman The #iwil #TeVE with @aliceheiman is live! Excited to hear @aliceheiman's expert insights on #entrepreneurlife
@aliceheiman Traditionally #entrepreneur is defined as founding a company - @aliceheiman sees it as a way of thinking! She teaches #entrepreneurship at @unevadareno.
Read 19 tweets
Sep 19th 2019
@Clivedurdle @Jen_robrien @MrPeteAbel @CleanAirGM @LevyCleanAir @ClientEarth @foemcr @JZCOS @MumsForLungs @uom_meri @headstretcher @ArupGroup He doesn't like the answers we have is it. He wants #different answers than the true ones (which he finds inconvenient and difficult).

Excess cars (even excess cleaner cars) have a huge net cost in human and money terms to @greatermcr .. Paradoxically that #includes the God GVA.
@Clivedurdle @Jen_robrien @MrPeteAbel @CleanAirGM @LevyCleanAir @ClientEarth @foemcr @JZCOS @MumsForLungs @uom_meri @headstretcher @ArupGroup @greatermcr Further research and analysis is needed. Many things we know about cars and motor vehicles and their use in GM that #do #not suggest discouraging their use into city and town centres would not be harmful as believed and stated.

Running anywhere in GM is maybe a different Q tho.
@Clivedurdle @Jen_robrien @MrPeteAbel @CleanAirGM @LevyCleanAir @ClientEarth @foemcr @JZCOS @MumsForLungs @uom_meri @headstretcher @ArupGroup @greatermcr @bricycle @CatrionaSwanson @arupforesight @ancoats2020 @evefrancisholt @KevinClimate 1. We know that in 2011 the car and van ownership/access inside the M60 was about 60% of households. To turn that on its head 40% had no access at all. In some wards there are towards 60% of households with no access at all. @thomasforth has mapped this.
Read 9 tweets
Jun 27th 2019
"Most of the things that differ from the past will shortly die. The more they differ, the sooner they will die."

@SimonDeDeo of SFI & @CarnegieMellon on the linear correlation of #novelty & #transience - aka, "Why you mostly listen to the same songs over and over" - at #CSSS19:
"It's true that new things die. It's also true that is you want to be very very big, be new."

@SimonDeDeo of SFI & @CarnegieMellon on successful #novelty & hopeful #monsters in #evolution, #innovation, & #investment - aka, "Either be really boring, or be Beethoven" - at #CSSS19:
"#Revolutions are not just about ideas, they're about #information management. You can't just run a #revolution in a seminar room."

"The stranger your speech is, the more likely people are to just nod & move on."

@SimonDeDeo on topic modelling #revolutionary speech at #CSSS19:
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Jan 8th 2019
Born & raised in #Fanar #Lebanon, a tiny country in the middle east with a lot to offer. I always had a positive outlook on life maybe because of the culture or values🤷‍♀️.
If you don't know #Lebanon or a #lebanese then you should start mingling 🤣
@IWS_Network #VoicesIWS
I grew up surrounded by a loving, joking & tough type of family that always support each other even amidst fighting. You can imaging being 4 kids in different age groups can cause a lot of fights growing up 😂 #siblingsfight #family #VoicesIWS
I have my issues🤷‍♀️! I always wanted to prove myself & make my family proud(2nd child). A pressure that was just in my head; they were always proud of us. I wanted to grow up to be a doctor or an army officer like my dad. Let's just say I changed my mind! #VoicesIWS @IWS_Network
Read 27 tweets

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