They were a powerful couple, a principality within the family and force of nature in the community! They sit in the village as demigods, controlling the destiny of all who dare to shine
Family members in the city stayed in the city because of them, those who dared to visit the village, always visited the village dressed in rags! Nobody dare stir them to envy in anyway! Those who were foolish to challenge them died brutally and suddenly!
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt prayed a prayer of agreement with him!
There was silence for twenty-one day!
Then a sudden fire outbreak!
Nobody came to their rescue
People were scared it was a ruse to lure their next victim
The fire raged all night
They lost their three children, charms, idols properties!
Such a thing had never happened before in the village
The couple had lost their three children in the fire
They rushed the wife to the hospital, she died later in the day!
The husband left the hospital and was never seen again
Captives were delivered
The entire village heaved a sigh of relief
Demigods who have reigned for twenty four years were deposed in one night by the power of the Holy Spirit!
Tears might endure for a night but joy comes in the morning!
Your joy is here!