How to make money in real estate via syndication:
A Thread 👇
Your underwriting says you need $500k worth of deferred maintenance work and rehab dollars to upgrade the units and raise rents to market.
However, you don’t have $4.5M in the bank to drop on this deal.
Now what?
Now, to bridge the $1M gap on purchase price and $500k rehab costs you need to find investors and structure a deal that makes everyone happy.
Awesome now you really only need to raise $1.35M! You’re almost there!
$4M purchase price
$500k rehab
$4.5M total cost
75% LTV loan ($3M)
$1.5M of equity with an 8% pref
Your equity is split up as a 90/10 - Limited Partner %/General Partner % (you, the sponsor)
Still with me?
How does this look for you and your investors? Remember, you need to pay back your loan and your investors and their preferred return first.
-$3M to pay off loan
-$1.5M payback of equity
-$360k preferred equity payout
= $3.14M left over
Lets further breakdown the money in your pocket as the sponsor.
+$36k preferred return payout
+$942k promote
= $1.128M in YOUR POCKET!
And that ladies and gentleman is how you get rich.