The deliberation sung in sanskrit
narrates the untold story
of #Saraswati in the language of Odissi
@KanchanGupta @PondyLitFest
She comes alive in Divine composition of shlokas from Rigveda
Yajurveda & Skand Purana in Odissi Classical music & dance
Stay tuned, watch d mystery unfold.
After approaching all the rivers that expressed their inability in doing so, Vishnu chose #Saraswati who became a river/vehicle for the task.

नास्ति मे भगवञ्छक्तिरौर्वं वोढुं जगत्पते।
रौद्ररूपी महानेष दहत्येवानलो भृशम् ॥ ११ ॥
स्कन्दपुराणम्/खण्डः e७,प्रभासखण्डः,अध्यायः ०३३
Oh Vishnu, the Master of the world,
I do not have the strength to carry this huge devastating Vadva,I’ll get burnt excessively & dry dead
“O auspicious one, you carry the destructive Vadvagni to the salty sea in the west, save the suras from the terrible fire & rid them of their fears.”
Opera #SaraswatiUntold

मातेव भव सुश्रोणि सुराणामभयप्रदा॥ १५ ॥
O Pure, Graceful #Saraswati the Auspicious one, like a mother, protect & grant abhaya to the Vibudhas/ Devtas & humans, free them from the fear of this vast, terribly noisy fire.
विनिक्षिप त्वं नीत्वैनं वाडवं लवणाम्भसि॥
Brahma ji speaks:
“O Devi, please go & save all the suras from the fear of perishing, take this Vadavagni and cast it in the salty ocean.”