Sarah Kendzior: Yeah, yeah. We still keep sinking deeper into this hellhole so apparently I'm not effective enough.
@sarahkendzior @gaslitnation #TrumpImpeachment
@sarahkendzior @gaslitnation
@sarahkendzior @gaslitnation
@sarahkendzior @gaslitnation
@sarahkendzior @gaslitnation
@sarahkendzior @gaslitnation
@sarahkendzior @gaslitnation
Sarah Kendzior: Ukraine has been a testing lab for Kremlin experiments. Tampering with power grid? Ukraine. With elections? Ukraine. Putin wants revenge; he wants to put the Soviet Union back together.
@sarahkendzior @gaslitnation
@sarahkendzior @gaslitnation
@sarahkendzior @gaslitnation
@sarahkendzior @gaslitnation
Sarah Kendzior: I think it's weird Pelosi moved on the whistle blower info and not after the Mueller Report. So many were outraged by Ukraine story.
@sarahkendzior @gaslitnation
@sarahkendzior @gaslitnation
@sarahkendzior @gaslitnation
@sarahkendzior @gaslitnation
@sarahkendzior @gaslitnation
@sarahkendzior @gaslitnation
Rick: You commit treason once, they throw you in jail. You commit treason 50 times, & they applaud you for job well done.
@sarahkendzior @gaslitnation
@sarahkendzior @gaslitnation