If the boy's age was reported incorrectly, Alexander would have sued, right?
What do you think?
Ali tweeted about his "best friend" & previously giving his HBO login

Ali Akbar’s Latest Tea Party Scam Is His Most Disturbing Yet
We believe this warrants asking real questions, which need to be answered.
1) evidence the identity of the person in question was 18 or older at the time
2) a statement from the individual in question, stating his age at the time, and characterization of the nature of his relationship w/ Ali
By a then 26-28 year old man
Allegedly with a 14-15 year old boy
Including at least 1 meeting at IHOP IRL
Requires asking real questions
We are not making any accusations
We believe it requires asking questions for clarification
If it were your daughter or son & you saw these texts
Wouldn’t you ask some questions?